Wolves! the antis are suing again


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
"Like it or not, it is time to fight the lawsuit and ultimately get Congress to act on this or there will be continuing lawsuits, period."

Exactly what MT and ID have done. Congress took the ability to challenge the MT and ID plan away. They aren't getting sued, and are hunting Wolves without fear. The only continuing western lawsuits are against Wyoming. It appears their "we got it right" attitude has done nothing but cost them money and unfortunately they have a very good chance of getting relisted. Wyoming is done if that happens.

A little more info for those wondering, this is the BGF "solution":
"As many are aware, there are an increasing number of delisting proposals that have been proposed both in Congress and in the courts. The results of these proposals are quite different from one another. For example, one proposal would allow for a wolf hunt in Montana and Idaho under federally approved restrictions but would do nothing for other states with wolf concerns (Simpson rider). H.R. 509 and S.249 which has been the focus of BGF would return state management to all states. Some efforts are underway to push compromise bills that would return full authority State Management in some states but not others. We would love to hear your opinion."

H.R. 509 and S.249 never made it out of Committee in 2011. That's right, 2011 and it's still on their "solution" page. Their notation of the Simpson rider doesn't include WY because WY chose not to get on board. And a real beauty, when the Simpson rider passed, BGF took credit.

I can't support an "organization" that uses fear and deceit to generate revenue for personal gain.

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