Year round deer behavior


Apr 3, 2021
Hello all!
I started hunting white tails last year (FL, GA, and MS). I’m looking for how to effectively scout year round (the SE specifically, but I’m sure there’s stuff that translates across the country). I have a couple of questions to kick it off, but any and all off-season scouting advice regarding deer behavior, habitat throughout seasons, food sources throughout seasons, and bedding throughout seasons would be appreciated.

1) What are deer social behaviors throughout the year? I.e when do bucks group up/go bachelor, when are bucks and does grouped up for extended periods, etc.

2) How does the food source change throughout the year? What I noticed last year was that through October, maybe into November, acorns were a must when picking a spot based on food source. The buck I shot in January was over a clover/grass planted field since all of the acorns had fallen by then. What foods do they eat at each stage of the year? When do acorns start dropping?

3) Do deer bed types change throughout the year? Not specific beds (like if I find a deer bed in April I don’t expect them to necessarily be bedded there in November) but do they bed in similar habitat throughout the year? If I find a bed in April, can I use that habitat as a safe place to look for similar habitat come November? Or do they change bed types depending on the time of year?

I know these seem like novice questions. I’ve googled them a good bit, but results are very very general. I’m targeting what people in the SE have had luck looking for throughout the summer to help them hunt better in the fall.

Dec 14, 2018
You should check out podcasts/videos by a guy named Dan Infalt. Or head over to the hunting beast forum, it's a wealth of whitetail knowledge. Not saying you won't find answers here, but that is a forum that is 99% based on whitetails, and filled with some pretty hardcore whitetail guys that know a thing or two.

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Apr 3, 2021
You should check out podcasts/videos by a guy named Dan Infalt. Or head over to the hunting beast forum, it's a wealth of whitetail knowledge. Not saying you won't find answers here, but that is a forum that is 99% based on whitetails, and filled with some pretty hardcore whitetail guys that know a thing or two.

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I’ll check those out. Thanks!


Jan 25, 2022
Caledonia, MI
Dan Infalt is a wealth of knowledge for sure. Not sure if any of his info would change with you being in the south but it can't be too different.


Jul 24, 2017
Hello all!
I started hunting white tails last year (FL, GA, and MS). I’m looking for how to effectively scout year round (the SE specifically, but I’m sure there’s stuff that translates across the country). I have a couple of questions to kick it off, but any and all off-season scouting advice regarding deer behavior, habitat throughout seasons, food sources throughout seasons, and bedding throughout seasons would be appreciated.

1) What are deer social behaviors throughout the year? I.e when do bucks group up/go bachelor, when are bucks and does grouped up for extended periods, etc.

2) How does the food source change throughout the year? What I noticed last year was that through October, maybe into November, acorns were a must when picking a spot based on food source. The buck I shot in January was over a clover/grass planted field since all of the acorns had fallen by then. What foods do they eat at each stage of the year? When do acorns start dropping?

3) Do deer bed types change throughout the year? Not specific beds (like if I find a deer bed in April I don’t expect them to necessarily be bedded there in November) but do they bed in similar habitat throughout the year? If I find a bed in April, can I use that habitat as a safe place to look for similar habitat come November? Or do they change bed types depending on the time of year?

I know these seem like novice questions. I’ve googled them a good bit, but results are very very general. I’m targeting what people in the SE have had luck looking for throughout the summer to help them hunt better in the fall.


The best advice you’ll ever get and it’s not meant to be rude-

Get out there and find out.

Others do not have your situation to operate in and will only screw up a beautiful fresh learning curve.