Yep, Im a Noob

Aug 21, 2020
I am going on an elk hunt in Colorado this November, and yes its my first time doing this. I've bought a 300 win mag, back pack, and some other goodies - gotten in the best shape I can be in for a 50 yr old. I've hunted deer in Kansas and Oklahoma for 30 years - love outdoors and the hunt. I've been to Colorado many times, just never hunted there - so I know it'll kick my butt from lack of air to hiking vertical surfaces....

But, I just wanted to thank everyone that posts on this forum - I have been lurking on this forum all year reading about equipment and strategies. I wont ask what you think of unit so and so, where to go etc... I don't expect to see an elk much less get a shot at one - figure it'll be a win if either happens and I'll go home happy for the experience!

Decided to post this and let everyone know I'm all in!


Jun 28, 2012
Good Luck. Sounds like you already know how to enjoy the HUNT, which doesn’t have to include a harvest.
Apr 18, 2019
Good luck buddy and Godspeed.

My first year out I got a cow about 30 minutes after shooting hours. Haven't gotten one since, though packed out several and seen quite a few more (mostly out of bounds). Every day in the woods is a good one, enjoy it.
Aug 20, 2020
Like i told Mkrueger88 in another post, you will be hooked from here on out. better just plan your next years trip out now. haha
Feb 17, 2013
I think you’ll do well. You have a great attitude. With nothing to prove to anyone you’ll just set your pace and be steady. The guys with unrealistic expectations or the ones who brag about having it all figured out create pressure for themselves. About halfway through their hunt when reality sets in and things aren’t looking too good they come unglued and crash and burn.

Since you’ve been lurking you’ve probably heard the saying elk are where you find them. That’s true and they can be almost anywhere. They’re definitely not in your tent so just get out early every day and hunt all day and don’t be surprised if you kill an elk. If it makes you feel any better I’m 55 and in the worst shape of my life and I plan on sending one over the rainbow bridge this season. Good luck!