Better "stock" up boys


Jul 20, 2016
Better "stock" up boys

the only irrational fear here is held by those who think the government is going to develop a categorical ban on all guns

Because that has never happened in history .....

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Mar 8, 2017
From an outsiders perspective, you need better health care including mental health care. Yes, your taxes will go up if your country as a whole has to pay for everyone's health care. But what cost is the better deal?

In Canada we do have magazine restrictions but after a weekend firearms safety course and a criminal record check and a phone interview, I can own just about everything you can in the USA. We have plenty of guns in Canada but we don't have the mass shootings of the USA. Why are two countries who in many ways are so similar, so different when it comes to mass shootings?

A lot of arguments about guns start and end with the second amendment in the USA but claiming you have a right to bear arms end of story isn't offering any help towards a solution. What is a solution?

Hopefully I didn't offend anyone too much with an outsiders perspective but I do have a vested interest in the matter. I have a lot of family in the USA and I find it pretty scary that my nephews have to practice active shooter drills at school.


May 15, 2013
Central Texas
From an outsiders perspective, you need better health care including mental health care. Yes, your taxes will go up if your country as a whole has to pay for everyone's health care. But what cost is the better deal?

In Canada we do have magazine restrictions but after a weekend firearms safety course and a criminal record check and a phone interview, I can own just about everything you can in the USA. We have plenty of guns in Canada but we don't have the mass shootings of the USA. Why are two countries who in many ways are so similar, so different when it comes to mass shootings?

A lot of arguments about guns start and end with the second amendment in the USA but claiming you have a right to bear arms end of story isn't offering any help towards a solution. What is a solution?

Hopefully I didn't offend anyone too much with an outsiders perspective but I do have a vested interest in the matter. I have a lot of family in the USA and I find it pretty scary that my nephews have to practice active shooter drills at school.

Solutions start by getting away from healthcare or more importantly the pharmaceutical industry. Upwards of 90% of these people were under the care of a physician who was prescribing them psychotropic drugs whose own inserts explicitly say that they may cause violent tendencies and suicides.

We need less of that and not more. It starts at the local level, and families and neighbors not government and doctors and healthcare.

Healtcare is not a right. You are not born with a right to other peoples services. Same with education. If you are born with a right to healthcare then who is born with the burden of taking care of you. If you are born with a right to Education then who is born with the burden of teaching you?

As I said earlier in the post, in our country, our rights come from our creator not government edicts. Government was created to protect those inalienable rights and punish those who break the law - nothing else, nothing more.

It may be different in Canada but remember, your Prime Minister takes an oath to the Queen of England not the people of Canada.

Justin Trudeau sworn-in as Canada's next Prime Minister - YouTube


Nov 21, 2013
Boulder, CO
So what do you propose as a solution then?

People taking responsibility. Responsibility for their choices, actions, safety, children, etc.

But we live in society that looks to the government to solve everything.


May 15, 2013
Central Texas
So what do you propose as a solution then?

Perhaps if the people would sue the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors that prescribed them instead of gun manufacturers that would be a first step to a solution.

Funny how the inserts to the drugs say that they can cause the exact same thing that is happening yet people want to change gun laws and sue gun manufacturers instead.


Mar 8, 2017
What are you teaching to who?

The argument about health care and the assumption that it is all based on “big pharma” (haha I sound like a dirty hippy) is based on your current health care situation that is a for profit system. You are 100% correct that you need to get away from that but you aren’t looking at what a non profit health care system looks like. Our health care system is not perfect by any stretch but I believe it is more than just “here’s some meds I get paid in some way to prescribe”

I’m not sure what Turd-o pledging an oath to the queen has to do with this though.


Aug 15, 2013
Education and awareness. People fear that which they do not understand.

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Huh?? I'm pretty sure parents and kids fear another school shooting. I'm not sure how you educate them to not fear this when there is about a 100% chance that it will happen again in the next few months.

But hey, enjoy your toys. Be sure to thank the kids that gave their lives to preserve your right to own a 30 round magazine.
Jan 17, 2017
It isn't just bump stocks, but any device that increases the rate of fire. That would include binary triggers.

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Seems pretty vague to me. According to some of these people, a 5 round mag increases rate of fire over the muskets that the 2A was originally written to protect. So where does this BS end and where is the line drawn? Do most of us care about owning a bump stock? No. But we DO care about the right to bear arms in general and if an inch is given you can bet they will try to take a mile next time a school shooting happens....since criminals STILL won't follow the laws....

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May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
I think trump conceding bump stocks to the liberal idiot "Ban guns" crowd is genius.

But now lets work on a comprehensive solution to solve i said earlier...its not "one thing" that will solve it. And its not one law either.

We need our politicians to get off their asses and DO SOMETHING.

REPS defending guns is fine...but then get to the root of this and DO SOMETHING....they have done nothing.

DEMS screaming 'No Guns" is just ridiculous of course....get a clue to the roots of the problem....and DO SOMETHING instead of using these shootings as fund raiser to keep your worthless asses in power.

EDIT; 30 second goolge search produces tons of studies on shootings;
FBI study here, page 20 is conclusion [why didn't they look at motive????]

another FBI study on school shooters..WHY IS NONE OF THIS IN THE MEDIA????? FACTS- Ha!
page 16 has traits of these shooters.....Duh, mentally unstable? YES!
School Shooter — FBI

THE INFORMaTION IS OUT THERE..... now if we can get these turd politicians to focus on the facts....we might actually get a solution.
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Jul 20, 2016
Better "stock" up boys

Huh?? I'm pretty sure parents and kids fear another school shooting. I'm not sure how you educate them to not fear this when there is about a 100% chance that it will happen again in the next few months.

But hey, enjoy your toys. Be sure to thank the kids that gave their lives to preserve your right to own a 30 round magazine.

It's educating youth how to respect a firearm, treat a firearm, handle a firearm. It's educating adults how to do the same. It's teaching people to be aware of their surroundings, be aware of what the kid next you is saying and not just blow it off. It's parents being aware of what is going on in their child's life. People today are removed from what's going on around them. A large majority of these tragedies could have been prevented by a teacher, a classmate, or a parent being aware.

During my junior year of high school, I was with in a couple hundred feet of freshman who decided to open fire. Fortunately my upbringing taught me how to deal with situations like that and how to critically think about the situation after. Thankfully for all there that day the shooter had a specific target and was unable to turn to the gun on others.

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May 15, 2013
Central Texas
Huh?? I'm pretty sure parents and kids fear another school shooting. I'm not sure how you educate them to not fear this when there is about a 100% chance that it will happen again in the next few months.

But hey, enjoy your toys. Be sure to thank the kids that gave their lives to preserve your right to own a 30 round magazine.


Nov 21, 2013
Boulder, CO
But hey, enjoy your toys. Be sure to thank the kids that gave their lives to preserve your right to own a 30 round magazine.

Might be the dumbest shit ive ever heard. Tantamount to, next time you drive 70mph thank all the kids that have died in vehicle accidents caused by speeds too fast for conditions. You know, you dont need to drive 70.......

Sounds pretty damn dumb huh.......



Nov 21, 2013
Boulder, CO
I've got thick skin.

I also know that there are plenty of other gun owners out there that feel the same way I do.

So turn yours in then. Take a stand. Hell make a video of you cutting them up while you beg the government for safety lol
Oct 10, 2016
We should also change the definition of free speech to anything under 50 words. Freedom of speech is more dangerous than any gun will ever be. But I digress

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Uhhhh.... Care to elaborate?

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