
On 9/11/01 I was in basic training at Ft Benning Ga at a rifle range.

The drill sgt. sat us all down during lunch and told us what happened. We pretty much failed to understand based on conversation alone. When we got back to the barracks in the evening they let us watch alittle tv. Then we got it.

training was suspended for a few weeks while we pulled guard duty around the base
I was on the way to lunch in the sixth grade. Our teacher got pulled aside and came back with a look you can't forget. We thought her husband or kid must have been killed in some kind of accident. Then we started noticing all the adults getting the same look.

Weird thinking how much it shaped my life. Made my decision to go into the military after college instead of medicine. 20 years later, I've got 3 deployments to CENTCOM and heading back for a second serving of active duty soon. Guess it's probably safe to say it was one of the formational events of my life.

God bless America, even on her darkest days.
I was sitting in first period 7th grade. The principal opened the door and the the teacher to turn on the TV a plane had just the WTC. We then saw the second one hit.
My dad was in Ontario bear hunting and all I could think about was he has no idea what's happening.
Joined the Airforce after high-school. Deployed 4 times and probably have at least one or two more I retire.

GOD bless this country and the men and women who keep it safe.
I was on a 24hr shift then and we had gotten up to run a call. We were cancelled by the PD and he casually mentioned a plane crash happening in NY. Went back to the station and it was on every channel.
Was on north slope of Brooks range at a camp spot right off the road to Prudhoe Bay, AK, glassing for caribou. The one on the left right as the mountains peter out into the flat tundra.

An oil rig trucker pulled up and jumped out breathlessly telling the news. We drove straight to Prudhoe and went to the diner up on the platform. Sat down with my coffee to see a replay scene on the large TV as the 2nd airplane roared right over the cameraman and hit the 2nd tower with a huge fireball. I said the f bomb real loud. It was like nothing I had ever seen

There were numerous camps who got stranded in the bush by grounded bush planes with no idea why as sat phones were not very common back then.

The flight home was much different than the trip out.
It was an absolutely beautiful Kansas morning the way I recall. Boss called on the Ole bag phone in the pickup. I answered and he said the Twin Towers had been hit. Beings I was only 15 the magnitude didn't sink in until several years later.

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I was sitting in 1st period Spanish class my freshman year of high school.

The teacher didn't really say a whole lot about it, but basically said something had happened, turned on the TV, and we spent the rest of the hour watching it unfold.

I couldn't really comprehend exactly what was happening... At that point in my life, I had no idea who Al Qaeda was, I didn't know there were extreme fundamentalist Muslims in that part of the world who do heinous shit like that, and that there had been a prior bombing attack on the WTC in 1993.

I thought that all was well in the world since rthe major wars prior to then, except for famine and disease. That event opened my eyes to how messed up the world STILL is.
Was teaching middle school in Alaska.

I remember wheeling the large TV into the classroom and watching everything live. The students wanted to know what was going on and I'm certain that today they are all reflecting on what we all saw that fateful day.

Many Alaskan hunters were stranded out in the field without air support given the entire country was grounded.
I was in boot camp, MCRD San Diego. I had broken my hip a few weeks prior and was bed bound in a med rehab barracks when it happened. The Drill Instructor from next door threw me in a wheel chair and pushed me into his duty hut so that I could watch it with their platoon.

I was absolutely furious about the attack and had a huge feeling of being useless due to my injury and the fight that I knew would come. I would be medically discharged Oct/01 and never got to fulfill my promise of retribution.

God bless the USA
9/11, I had appointment with my Lawyer in tower 2 @ 9 AM on 84th floor. Woke up with a hangover, called to reschedule at 8:15 am, and went to work instead.

Driving back that day from work, it took 6 hours to get home (usually 30 mins), all the while, I could see the smoke sky high while driving back.
It was definitely a day that changed the world for Americans. I was 41 years old, and working for the Parks Dept in Carson City NV. I heard it on the radio on my way in, and not long after I got to work they had it on the TV. We skipped our morning job meeting and watched as they showed footage of the fire and then the second plane. Like everyone else I was shocked and sickened. Not long after came the report of the Pentagon being hit. Now I was bewildered and angry. I suddenly got very worried because I knew almost instantly we were going to war somewhere and soon. My son was serving as a Scout/Sniper in the 82nd Airborne Div. and they are often included in the tip of the spear. Then we got reports that both towers had collapsed. WTF,,,,, The world was very upside down for a few days.
Was working for a consulting firm in Northern Virginia at the time...was on my way to work after a morning appt. and curious why I could not make any cellphone calls...got a call from my girlfriend who lived in CA at that time. She told me about the planes hitting the Towers; I turned around and went home, and turned on the TV in shock. Watched the television for hours.

Our firm lost 3 employees who were at the Pentagon that morning for a meeting, and it was pretty somber at work for some time afterward.

Bless all of our troops and our first responders. Never freaking forget.
Was floating in the middle of the ocean on an aircraft carrier returning from a deployment in the Persian Gulf. Went back to that God forsaken place in March of 2003 for the invasion of Iraq.
Wrapping up our lodge season, last guests of the year. 3 guys here for fishing became family during the several days that airspace was closed. We did more fishing. I believe all 3 of those gents have now passed.
I was in Basic Training in Ft Benning, GA. Was 3 days before they showed us the videos and I still remember recruits wondering if it were a training exercise. We had almost no contact with the outside world until the end of training.

Came out to an entirely different world.

Continue to pray for all those families to this day.

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I was grocery shopping and watching it on a tv in the store. I was about 10 miles away from where flight 93 went down and still live there today. If you get a chance to come see the memorial it is pretty amazing.