A day over 60

Welcome to the club , 60 is the new 40 , I'm in better shape now than any other time in my life . Sex is better , food tastes incredibly better , life is just a bowl of cherries !

Ah , who am I kidding . Enjoy the discounts at Wendy's , that's the only benefit of being old . :cool:
Yes indeed - welcome! I really believe 60 is the new 59 . . . at least it felt that way for me!
It's all uphill now!
Congrats on getting there.......amazing now what you look forward to. I am anxiously awaiting this 4th Thursday of February.
My first social security payment, whoo hoo!

You are officially a "Senor Citizen!". Don't let it slow you down. Don't listen to the "your getting old and need to take it easy crowd", just past them on the outside and never look back!
I’m not as old as that but not scared of it… beside feeling weak sometimes and not as active as I used to be… old age is actual fine.