A FYI if you have a loved one you think might be a candidate for a nursing home


Sep 4, 2018
I don't do other social media besides a few outdoor forums but feel this message might help someone on here perhaps.

I recently had the opportunity to try and get my mom into a nursing home. What I found out is that one has to have 4 covid shots in order to qualify to get in or have a 7 day confinement with no visitors/family during that time. My mom had 3, was in the hospital and their pharmacy didn't have a covid shot in stock and no place that gave covid shots/boosters could/would come into hospital to administer one.

If you truly have a need for a nursing home for a loved one, make sure they get their 4 covid shots so they will be eligible when the time comes. I have 3 family members in the healthcare industry and none of them had heard of this requirement prior to this. Just trying to get the word out. This was in NE.


Feb 25, 2018
We had the same issue recently in Colorado, my Mother in law broke her hip and has to be in a rehab facility. She was not vaccinated and this severely limited the choice of facilities. We ended up getting her in one that is lower tier and they made her quarantine for ten days. She’ll be coming home next week. The lack of vaccination will limit your choices for care for the elderly.