Anyone from Virginia or West Virginia?

Subscribing to this thread if y'all do another one. I'm in fairly easy reach of Southern VA, WV if another hike is scheduled.
Have any of you done any backpack/bivyhunts in wilderness areas on Eastcoast ( George Washington ,Jefferson national forest or such) ?

Been busy with life for a few months new job etc... Anyhow I've hunted a backcountry area in WV the last two falls, they turned into camping trips (we were after bear) but we had a great time. The area has gravel road access so, we biked in and used treestands. Otherwise I think it replecated a normal backpack hunt. I learned a few things and hope to do it again this year. I'm suscribing to this thread as well.
I'm in Christiansburg as well. Are you guys still meeting up at all? I'm a pretty inexperienced hunter and could probably use someone to take me under their wing. I shoot a 40 lb recurve and a .50 muzzleloader. If you guys still need compass/map help, I am pretty experienced in that and could probably manage to demonstrate it pretty well.

Closest I've done to "backpack hunting" was a night in Rapidian WMA where I packed in, established camp, hunted that afternoon, came back, hunted through the next day, and then came home empty handed. Wasn't all that far from the road though, would have probably just dragged something out behind me with my camping gear on my back.

Looking to get more serious about hunting though, including physical training and committing to the craft. Give a shout if you guys are up to anything, or if anyone would want to set something up.
Hey rmh, did you make it out to the Sherwood Traditional Archery Rendezvous? Sorry I didn't see this post before or I would have made it a point to meet you. I was there all day Friday thru Sunday running the Toughman course. If you made it out I hope you enjoyed it.

We have not put together another training hike yet but we need to or I will spend too much time on the couch.....
I was only able to be there from 8-1:30 on Saturday but I had a great time and can't wait for the next one. I didn't have a chance to do the toughman, but did run through the 3D twice. I'm looking forward to the next one.

We can get the wheels in motion for the next training hike. McAfees knob is convinient for me, but I don't mind riding to other destinations for some variety.
Coming home via 460 tonight reminded me that I've yet to visit Peaks of Otter. Sharp Top and Flat Top are both supposed to be pretty strenuous hikes, and combined it's almost 10 miles.

Any takers?
Coming home via 460 tonight reminded me that I've yet to visit Peaks of Otter. Sharp Top and Flat Top are both supposed to be pretty strenuous hikes, and combined it's almost 10 miles.

Any takers?

Potentially the weekend of 21/22?

Looks like there's another 3d this weekend at Sherwood, so I'll be using any alloted time there.
Rmh- I used to be a member at Sherwood when I lived closer. Now I'm south of roanoke in Boones Mill and just shoot at my house. I miss hunting there too!

I may be up for the hike. Mcaffees is good for me too but I'm up to something different as well like the Peaks or whatever. Gotta check with the wife to see if we're supposed to be anywhere that weekend.
Tugrivercopper, Are you really from Monterey? That is one of my favorite places on the east coast. I grew up in Bedford, VA but now (unfortunately) in Eastern PA.
yes I am, well i live there now anyway, i am originally from mcdowell county wv.

I am just now returning to this forum, been quiet busy with work and such lately, hope to be on here more