Anyone get the Flu this season?

I have not. Actually going to get a shot today. Do not mess around...this week I went to a funeral for a 9th grader who was in the band with my son. Last week I went to a funeral of the 44 year old father of 5 one of which played football with my son. Both DIED from the FLU. Incredibly sad. So I am not planning to tough anything out like I usually do!
I have not. Actually going to get a shot today. Do not mess around...this week I went to a funeral for a 9th grader who was in the band with my son. Last week I went to a funeral of the 44 year old father of 5 one of which played football with my son. Both DIED from the FLU. Incredibly sad. So I am not planning to tough anything out like I usually do!

Died from the flu? Im in shock. I have always been sketched out to get a flu shot. The whole concept of standing in line throwin a guy 20 bucks and being injected with lord knows what has always turned me away from the local pharmacy. I realize the "flu" changes yearly as far as effects and strength but I was always under the impression that elderly and infants with less than optimal immune systems were the ones who had to be careful. I am nieve to the ability of this virus and might think about jumping in line if this is the case. Terribly sorry for your losses. Thank you for the eye opener.
Supposivly the Flu and Whooping cough are terrible this year. The hospital damn near forced my wife and I to get vaccinated for them before we brought our son home from hospital in Dec
I haven't had anything serious but both my parents had it bad over Christmas. The flu isn't a joke, kind of surprised me how many die from it each year mainly cause it leeds to more serious stuff but still pretty crazy stats out there.

I stopped getting the shot probably 10 years ago and every time I get it I seem to get sick more often. Everyone I know that has had it bad this year also got the shot and according to the CDC the bad strain that is putting everyone down isn't in the shot this year.
Supposivly the Flu and Whooping cough are terrible this year. The hospital damn near forced my wife and I to get vaccinated for them before we brought our son home from hospital in Dec

We had the same experience 3 years ago when our daughter was born, sounds like whooping cough is back because less are being immunized.
My wife is a nurse and she has been seeing a lot of people with the flu. If you get the the flu that only last a week count, your blessings. There are some people that will get the flu and have flu like symptoms for 3 three weeks.
We had the same experience 3 years ago when our daughter was born, sounds like whooping cough is back because less are being immunized.

Ya it is supposed to be bad we were told about 3 baby's have died from it this year at valley children's hospital
My wife has it bad thought it was done and hit her again with a vengeance my kids had it but not near as bad and I have felt like I have had a head cold for the last week. If my wife isn't feeling better today I am planning to take her in to get checked out.
I always get the shot, as the hospital gives it to us for free, and it's my job to be around sick people for 12 hour days. While its true that most of us with good immune systems will survive the flu if we get it, who wants to be sick? You can actually have the flu and be contagious without before showing any symptoms, and I would feel terrible if I gave it to someone around me who wasn't as healthy as I am....

In regards to the original post, Aron have you noticed any improvement at all in your symptoms since they first started? If you haven't started to feel at least a little better by this point, it might be worth a visit to the doctor to make sure there is nothing else going on. Otherwise, keep taking plenty of fluids (drinks like pedialyte or Gatorade will replace lost electrolytes) and treat any fever symptoms or body aches with Tylenol or Advil. It can take up to two weeks to fully recover from a big episode...
I had it in November. It took me a full week to get over it. Wife and two kids were all vaccinated, I hadn't got my shot yet. One of my boys, had a minor case for about a day, other boy nothing and wife got minor case for a couple of days.

I'm not sure I have ever been as sick as I was.
I haven't had a flu shot or the flu in years. The odds caught up with me this year,
I was in bed for 5 days. Time to rethink that whole invincibility thing.
No kidding, both these folks were in good health. I did a little searching when the father died, and it said over 30,000 people die from the flu each year. Can't remeber if that is US or worldwide. After the high school (and on the track team) young man died, I am a bit worried.

Sounds like they actually did pretty good which strains would hit this year and getting a flu shot this year is bett protection than most.
Even young healthy people can get dehydrated quickly and die from the flu . Aron just made a comment about hacking up a lung. The flu is a piker compared to pneumonia ! Go see your doctor if you are still sick and start to hack up your lungs.