Best shot at filling the freezer in Colorado?


Feb 23, 2020
Colorado Springs, CO
So I have been hunting in Colorado as a resident for a few year with limited success. I have been lucky enough to get a couple antelope and one mule deer with my rifle, but I most years when applying for tags I still feel like I a taking a stab in the dark. I have never been too interested in hunting the biggest bull/buck on the mountain, in fact last year I mainly applied for doe/cow tags with no luck.
I am not interested in guided or private land hunts to due the cost and would like to stay in Colorado.
I am more comfortable with a rifle but capable with a bow as well and have been trying to learn the art of calling.
Here is my question, I your opinion what is the best way for someone to fill the freezer with wild game for the next year?
I am not looking for locations but tips on archery or rifle, OTC or lottery, cow tags only or OTC Bull?
Should I focus on elk solely or try to for a few different species?

Thanks for your help. I always learn a lot when I am browsing the forum.
3rd season deer tags can be a slam dunk if you get some help from the weather and you’re not picky about which buck you shoot. Plenty of tags can be drawn with 0-1 points, and even some decent tags are available on the leftover list.
I’ve killed 7 elk in 5 years and 0 bucks in those same 5 years. I can’t kill a deer, or find one, to save my life! Filling the freezer screams cow elk to me. The reality is you need to cover ground and glass. The more area you cover the better chances of finding elk. Once you find them they’re usually there every year!! It can be frustrating but i
If you're just wanting meat I'd put in for some later season cow tag permits, there's some 4th season ones that are fairly easy to draw and there's several list B cow tags you can draw with your 3rd choice
Yep, late season cow elk tag is for filling the freezer. Also think about additional tags in neighboring states. Wyoming for antelope doe tags are cheap, Nebraska deer is reasonable as well. Between my 14 year old son and I, we got 2 elk and 4 deer this year, plus a couple turkeys and a handful of rabbits. My freezer was pretty much packed this year.

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So that is a couple votes for late season deer. What makes that preferable and how would you hunt them?

As you can see a bunch of other folks have chimed in with their preference for elk tags to fill the freezer. Think it probably depends on who you talk to about which is preferable, deer or elk. In my opinion I would find deer preferable, I just flat out think hunting deer is easier in the late season because they’re rutting. But then again, maybe I only think that because I’ve never hunted elk with a rifle in the late season. Others who have experience doing it probably think it’s a breeze.

To answer your question about how you would hunt deer late season, pretty much get up in a spot that looks like it will hold deer and watch it. The reason I mentioned a 3rd season tag with some help from the weather is because bucks are starting to find does that time of year. A good cold snap can help accelerate that, getting bucks on their feet and moving all day. Pushing does around, being visible. Obviously the more visible they are, the easier they are to kill. Especially if you’re not picky about what you shoot since it’s just for meat, because young bucks tend to be with does a little before the old bruisers come lay down the law. So during 3rd season, if you find some does, you’re bound to find a buck not far away.

If you’re really after all the meat you can get, combine a couple of the ideas presented on this thread and shoot a deer during third season, a cow elk during 4th, and then get some kind of B list tag to be hunting on as well (I think that combo of tags could be attained?).
3rd season buck can be pretty hard to choke down depending on your tolerance for skunk. Cow tags in many units seem to be plentiful and the eating is excellent.
Elk are for eating, deer are for huntig.
I agree with you