BLM to open 22 mil acres in Western states to solar

"One thing is for certain about the president’s climate commitment, it will have no measureable impact on global warming. A study using EPA’s own data shows that the president’s commitment will only reduce global warming by 1/100th of a degree by 2100 , yet it will cost the United States’ economy hundreds of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs. This begs to question – why the pain for no gain?"

Exactly what I thought when I read this:

“The Interior Department’s work to responsibly and quickly develop renewable energy projects is crucial to achieving the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 — and this updated solar roadmap will help us get there in more states and on more lands across the West,” Laura Daniel-Davis, acting U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Interior, said in a statement.

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Yep carbon and pollution free are made up terms to make upper middle class moms feel good… no such thing as a zero sum game no such thing as a free lunch… but sure let’s keep believing in fairy tales, like the solar panels production, transportation, and installation and maintenance will somehow magically happen without massive amounts of “carbon” being created
We have solar fields fown here. It is just rows upon rows of solar panels, pivot to track sun.

Deer would use shade and could feed between them but no trespass for people.

They use farms to build em down here. Like we get food outta the air…
Every human that promotes this BS "Green Energy" is too much of a coward to publicly defend their ridiculous agenda and they are acting on pure lemming emotion.

They go and vote like the cowardly sheep that they are at a ballot box on their feel-good agendas from the safety of their cities and let the govt take us down a lose lose rabbit hole.

By the way, the govt (politicians) are afraid of being voted out, so they go along with and champion these BS agendas, meanwhile moving stocks into strategic positions before passing to love it.

Bottom line is that we are outnumbered by idiotic lemmings in this country.
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I do business with a couple of sub-contractors who do business with a couple of solar companies. The money that they spend is mind boggling. It flows like wine. My personal opinion is that it is a government money siphon that will eventually dry up and leave a mess of solar panels all over the place. They are making hay while the sun shines though!
Yep. Will end up like all the abandoned mines. Private profit, and the public will get to pay for the clean up once all the cash is divvied up. Team America!
I just can't comprehend how anyone thinks this is a good idea. It hurts my brain. I can usually at least see how someone might arrive at their point of view even if they're clearly wrong, but this is one that just doesn't make sense.

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Is there a link for public comment? A lot of us may be considered FUDs, so we might as well show them what FUDs do when people really piss us off and shut this crap down.

Solar is a good idea, on small scale and locally (roof tops and homes, parking garages/lots), but not in natural areas that are few and becoming fewer. Im sure if people really dig into it there is a T&E species of some sort that could shut down every site. Just depends on if that gets over looked or not.
A proposal. A PROPOSAL. A PROPOSAL!!!!!!! Propose that everyone took their heads out of their assess but that %100 won’t happen.
This transcends politics… this is more of a giant access issue, don’t care which side wants to destroy winter range, I’ll hate on them, just like that idiot Mike Lee who wants to sell federal land
A proposal. A PROPOSAL. A PROPOSAL!!!!!!! Propose that everyone took their heads out of their assess but that %100 won’t happen.
Proposals are where you can make serious changes and headway in policy. If you're not part of the solution and commenting at every aspect possible in public lands management, then you're part of the problem.
A proposal. A PROPOSAL. A PROPOSAL!!!!!!! Propose that everyone took their heads out of their assess but that %100 won’t happen.

Everything in the world starts as a proposal. If no one acts against them they become reality. Are you suggesting people against this proposal should just shut up wait for the authorities involved to come to their senses?
If these things are build with Tax payer money

And they are built on public land bought by the tax payer

How many think the tax paying recipients that receive electricity from them WONT have to pay for said kilowatts??

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