Brock & Paul (OBP) August Bear Hunt

Brock A

Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Buckley, WA
Figured I start this thread now so I can add to it as the hunt approaches. Over the winter, Paul and I decided we needed to plan a bear hunt in the WA wilderness together. We decided on the weekend of August 8th 9th & 10th. We are meeting at the trail head after work on Thursday and hiking in through the night. Paul will have his bow and I am bringing my new Tikka 7mm. We plan on using Pauls megatarp with bug bivys to stay mobile. New gear ill be using/testing is the Tikka, Duplex/T1 & my new Firstlite giddy up.

Anyway, I get good reception up where we are going so I figured it would be a perfect hunt to kick off the "live hunts".

Here is a bear Justin, Littlebuf & I found in the same spot last year. Hopefully we can kill him!

Man I'm so fired up for this trip! Can't wait to be headed up the mountain next week. Hopefully between the bow and the rifle we'll have our bases covered and get one killed. I didn't add much new new gear this year, although I will be running an OR bug bivy for the first time due to the mosquitoes, usually I just go with Tyvek under my tarp. On a side note, for all the active military guys on here; I recently discovered that OR does 50% on all their gear, all the time, you just have to sign up on their website. Pretty incredible offer from a really solid company. Anyway, looking forward to chasing down a bear next weekend!
Holy crap! Talk about running through the alphabet with these fires we are having. I think we are on Plan E or F, haha. Anyway, with a little help from a fellow RS'er we are good to go. Hitting the trail head tomorrow evening after work.
Just in time for bug season :). They were really bad last weekend for the first time this year. And yes those fire plumes are crazy. The weird thing is that in the areas I've been hanging out it is still pretty green but damn up north is really dry.

Good luck and get a biggun!!
Sorry for the lack of updates guys. Service was a no go in the new area we went to. Anyway. No bears, still early for berries around here. Great time in the mountains though. Here are a few pics.

Here is some of Paul



I thought I was the bad luck but I guess it's Paul. Sorry for your missed opportunities.