Bugle report

This is more of what I normally experience. In other words, it's not unusual to not constantly be in bugling. It seems like every few years or so I'll have a season where I hear a lot of bugling. I still think cooler days would help.
I have a good friend of mine that is just back from 9 days in Montana and hunted several different areas, he only heard a single bugle and came home empty-handed. A friend of his is still in Montana and they did get a 5x5 but he wasn't bugling and they said they weren't hearing any either...this was as of yesterday.
We have found when we have a more sub bulls running around there is more bugling.
A bunch of youngsters felling their oats makes the big boys crazy. This year is alillte off, heading out tonight hope it has picked up , we had a few going last weekend
I'll add to my previous comment and onto what someone said earlier. If you aren't hearing anything, you may not be in the elk. I made a couple IL to CO trips back before moving West. I probably didn't hear more than a handful of bugles. I realized afterwards that we were not in the elk and the few elk that were around were being bumped from every direction.
I've been in colorado since Thursday. I've heard one bugle in almost a week. I've talked to others at their camps and they look downright depressed and say they have heard nothing. I really hope it turns around in the next couple days because it is downright depressing to come all the way from Indiana for what has amounted to a dud of a hunt.
You're in the mountains, chasing elk. If you think it's a dud of a hunt you need to check your attitude. Whether you kill is insignificant. You only get so many Septembers. Ones spent in the elk woods are priceless.

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Wish I could have made it out this year, still remember hearing the first bugle and watching him walk in and the pain of having no shot. Good luck to everyone.

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This is why I’ve been watching this thread. Trying to determine if something odd/abnormal is going on or if we all just suck at hunting and the pros are just keeping quite and laughing at us. I don’t think anyone is giving away any real specific info. It’s pretty much been a state by state thing and at best a region of the state. I don’t think that’s giving away someone’s “spot”.
I talked to a couple more friends last night that have been out off and on since September 1st. They said the first couple weeks were abnormally quiet. However, over the last three days, they are hearing an uptick in activity and have been on several different calling bulls. Smoke, traffic, weather, whatever, when cows are in estrous and there are multiple bulls competing, they will be vocal.
I wish they were screaming, but they aren't right now. So even a "dud" hunt is better than sitting behind the computer working (which I'm doing now and checking the clock every few minutes to see if it's 3pm so I can go out). Soon they'll be screaming and I'll be sick for the rest of the week...plus it's supposed to cool off this weekend and a bit of rain to maybe squash some smoke? I know this post is probably pointless, but talking about elk is as close as I can get to hunting one until the evening!
I wish they were screaming, but they aren't right now. So even a "dud" hunt is better than sitting behind the computer working (which I'm doing now and checking the clock every few minutes to see if it's 3pm so I can go out). Soon they'll be screaming and I'll be sick for the rest of the week...plus it's supposed to cool off this weekend and a bit of rain to maybe squash some smoke? I know this post is probably pointless, but talking about elk is as close as I can get to hunting one until the evening!
Same here. Truck will be loaded by two, out the door at 3, and ill have service till i drop in...so technically working till 4😁
ljrunyanii, when faced with a bachelor group of bulls get to 200 yards or closer, choose a good setup, go to the Advertising Sequence, this is all bull sounds & raking, no cow calls at all.

A good setup means these bulls cannot see where the calling is coming from until they're in either your range or your shooters range if there's two of you! If you have the ElkNut Mobile App go to the Advertising Sequence Video & Tips section, it will show you how we perform this tactic, it's very deadly early on in the season! Good luck!


Wish I had seen this before I left. Had two bulls screaming in central MT but couldn't get them interested. One bull was under 100 yards and the other was maybe 250-300 yards up from me. Both would respond to my bugles, but had no interest in the cow calls. Really wish I would have tried raking. Had to leave them on the mountain due to the smoke. It was getting pretty tough to breathe up there. Not good. Hoping to make the 8 hour trip again if the smoke clears up.
Sometimes they bugle really quietly, on purpose I think, just talking to their cows, not trying to attract new ones or other attention.

This. Last weekend I didn’t hear 3 bulls bugling at each other in a herd until I was about about 500 yards away from them. Had to gain over 1,000 feet of elevation and get away from where the “crowds” were. The “crowds” were unable to hear them.
Been in southern CO for a week now. Have had days with a few bugles, called a few in silent, and had them bugling all day yesterday even after they got bumped by a muzzle loader not playing the wind.

2nd time the ML guy walked straight in the bowl with wind blowing straight to where they were bedded. His buddy shot a 6x5 earlier in the week so he keeps going back with obviously no luck. He’s also late to the party even on a horse. Beat him up the mountain both days only to have him not check the wind.

Yesterday must have had a hot cow because it was non stop bugling.

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