Charging bear/timed shooting drill

Just saw there are phone apps for shot timers. Do they work?
In my experience not great. Usually it didn’t pick up the sound of the shot. But, if that’s all you have avalible to you, you could set up a par time at 2 & 3 seconds to get a feel of where you’re at. Someone earlier in the thread filmed themselves shooting it and you could get okay idea of your times there.
I was the one who filmed it. Seemed to work okay, but a bit cumbersome to put the video in editing software and visually look for the sound spikes and measure the time. Trying to stay within my budget (grad school and all that fun stuff).
Im going to use the lap timer on my phone with someone else timing. It will be close enough for me for reference.
Rifles: AR with nx8 1-8, 8.8lbs, Tikka SL 223 in CTR stock with regular t3x bottom metal, w/ swfa 6x, 7.9lbs, Tikka t3x lite 308 in stockys VG, modified, w/ swfa 5-20, 8.8lbs.

All runs were started in a "semi relaxed" low ready.

First run, cold is with the AR. Shot timer didn't pick up the first pair, so there are 22 shots on, but only 10 pairs of times.
Second run, t3x 223IMG_20240130_153300881_MP.jpg
Definitely getting faster on the bolt by the end.

Last run with the 308 t3x
Fully warmed up by this point. IMG_20240130_154511684.jpg

Decided to set a 5 second par time and see how many rounds I could get off, 308 and ar. First run with the AR I had it on 8x and didn't realize til I was in the gun 😂IMG_20240130_155316480.jpgIMG_20240130_155313222.jpg
Just saw there are phone apps for shot timers. Do they work?
Picking up shots was the issue for me. The ones I tried before getting a dedicated timer were finicky and most of them struggled. Ended up using them for "Par" times so they were in essence just fancy timers.
With the voice memo app that probably came with your phone you can record the drill, then go to “edit”and see the sound wave form and the exact time. That allows you to scroll through the memo and pick out the exact point of the beep and the shots. It’s a lot more work than a timer but the price is right
Picking up shots was the issue for me. The ones I tried before getting a dedicated timer were finicky and most of them struggled. Ended up using them for "Par" times so they were in essence just fancy timers.
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With the voice memo app that probably came with your phone you can record the drill, then go to “edit”and see the sound wave form and the exact time. That allows you to scroll through the memo and pick out the exact point of the beep and the shots. It’s a lot more work than a timer but the price is right
I agree the price is right. I think most of us will do something like that for a short period of time and move on after the thrill is gone. Speaking for myself, i just won't use it very long.

I traded for a used timer because the price was right on that too.
Notice how only 3 people have shot it- only two of those doing the full 20 rounds.

Well, some of us can’t go shooting any given day!

A lot of people probably don’t have shot timers (see: every hunter I’ve ever known who doesn’t shoot competition too). I’m sure some people probably don’t want to post the worst score, and what’s been shown is pretty good IMO, not representative of your average hunter.

I was excited to try it, I haven’t done any shot range bolt gun in probably a decade, and when I did it was nothing like this. I don’t tend to push the speed anything close to this in what I do practice. It was fun to go fast.

I didn’t drill it dry, shot it properly cold for a baseline. I want to drill it and shoot it the next few weeks and see how it changes.

Tikka 22BR
Atacr 4-16

Ave 1st shot: 1.13
Ave 2nd shot: 2.50
Ave Split: 1.37

I was speeding up, then I got close to missing a couple times and mostly involuntarily slowed a little bit it seems. My scope offset isn’t helping.


Well, some of us can’t go shooting any given day!

Why not? grin

A lot of people probably don’t have shot timers (see: every hunter I’ve ever known who doesn’t shoot competition too). I’m sure some people probably don’t want to post the worst score, and what’s been shown is pretty good IMO, not representative of your average hunter.

Absolutely on all. Your times are pretty decent as well.
223 Tikka. Shot timer app sucked and only picked up about 1/3 of the shots. Best I can tell, I was averaging about 1 second per shot. The circle in the middle is 2.7 inches. The points of the diamond are 6 inches apart.

For more than just this, a shot timer has been added to my list of wants. The range has a 18 inch steel plate hung at 100 yards, and rapid off hand on that is fun and pretty easy.
Got out today to shoot grandpa’s Winchester 30-30 with some 170gr loads and a 303 Jungle Carbine using some random 200+ gr round nose. Was also able to drag my brother, who’s shot less than me, to shoot his tikka 308 and the 303. Both the 30-30 and the tikka 308 were shot cold.

30-30: first shot/second
.98/ 2.12
1.02/ 2.03
.97/ 2.02
.73/ 1.66
.54/ 1.55
.60/ 1.68
.56/ 1.46
.61/ 1.48
.69/ 1.58
.69/ 1.62

Brother’s tikka 308 with brake and SWFA 3-15
Tikka 308:
1.56/18.86(short stroked and double fed)

303 Jungle Carbine with some heavies. I assumed this would have some fast times being a ghost ring rear sight, a ‘fast action,’ and shooting with middle finger. This was shot safety off for those familiar with the left side safety on these guns. Rim lock is a b**** for times.
303 mine:

303 brother:

Conclusion; I won’t be too upset to use a lever gun if for some dumb reason I couldn’t use my AR.
Red dots are faster because there are less planes of sight (not sure if that's the correct verbiage). For example standard v notch sights have three planes you're lining up rear, front, and target. Your eyes can only really focus on one. For a red dot it's just the dot and target. With the red dot you can just superimpose the red blob on top of the target vs focusing on front sight while lining up rear and putting on target.
More specifically, with an RDS you simply focus on where you want to shoot. I think we’re saying that same thing, but you don’t focus on the red dot at all.

Also, at 7 yards you don’t need to ever see your rear sights. A bright fiber optic front sight is fabulous for this. See it where you want it and shoot.
More specifically, with an RDS you simply focus on where you want to shoot. I think we’re saying that same thing, but you don’t focus on the red dot at all.

Also, at 7 yards you don’t need to ever see your rear sights. A bright fiber optic front sight is fabulous for this. See it where you want it and shoot.
Yes I agree with both points
FIgured everyone doing this drill would appreciate this random little story.

In the 1990's my dad was charge by a grizzly in MT at close range. Charge started at sub 30 yards.

He was unaware of the bear's presence other than some random sounds he heard, and a flash of fur through the trees just before the charge. So he was facing in that direction.

The grizzly busted through the brush in a dead charge and my dad killed him at about sub 10 yards (bear slid to 3 yards after the shot). Shot him in the mouth with a 300 win mag, and the bullet ran down the vertebrae for about 18". Stoned the bear in it's tracks.

He actually shot the bear from the hip, with no time to even raise his rifle.

There was a huge investigation on the whole situation and they ended up testing the bears face for gunpowder, which came back positive, and was the deciding factor in his innocence. The game warden was as total douche and tried to get him prosecuted. So it was very well documented with photos and videos that my dad took of everything through the investigation.

Pretty cool to watch the old VHS tapes and see the photos. He actually had to skin the bear out for the warden too, because he didn't know how to do it lol.
Here ya go.

Tikka 223 Avg: 1.09/2.57
Rem700 375 H&H Avg: .86/2.92
Pocket 357, only 1 clean run: 1.16/1.82

Biggest lesson so far is don't drop the stock from your shoulder to cycle the bolt. Earned myself a 2.5 second split on one of my 375 attempts.
Nice video - good shooting! The camera location did a great job of capturing the different rifles, especially the manageable recoil of the .375 H&H and quickness of the open sights.

I think Remington made a home run with the slim barrel profile on the 375.
Nice video - good shooting! The camera location did a great job of capturing the different rifles, especially the manageable recoil of the .375 H&H and quickness of the open sights.

I think Remington made a home run with the slim barrel profile on the 375.