Cougar tag in Oregon


Feb 26, 2023
I recently moved to western Oregon from Wisconsin I was an avid hunter back home but haven't had the time to learn the area and start fresh out here in the PNW so I don’t know much. I have 20 acres surrounded by a couple thousand acres of timber development and I’ve had a cougar as close as 25 yards from my house I seen it once and have found scat 2 times. I’m wondering what the process for a tag is out here back home any special hunts like cats and bear are a lottery and everything is very confusing in the ODFW rules. Id like to shoot this cougar I haven’t seen deer in a minute and my dog runs loose when I’m outside
Cougar season is all year. Usually you can buy a second tag if you fill your first

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Like others said, just buy a tag, they’re cheap, then kill the cat, then repeat that process again and break into Oregon hunting with the hardest tag to fill on purpose by far.

You will always have cats around, and killing them will keep a lot more game around. You can single-handedly make a pretty significant difference in your area, which is pretty cool

I had a trail cam in an area for 7-8yrs, and it was out Dec to July every year, in the beginning I had at least 5 different cats on that cam, maybe a half dozen deer a year, a few elk, but almost all lions and bears, with the occasional Bob or coyote

I killed 3 in the next few years and a farmer killed 2, and it has completely flopped, occasional lion, lots of deer, lots of elk, and still some bear. Areas in heavy cat population become void of deer and elk, they don’t like hanging out in those areas (weird right?) but it’s cool to see the difference over time
All the above is true - and don't forget the mandatory check-in and parts collection requirements [with time constraints]......baiting is legal for cats as is calling [including motion decoys].
Seen more cats than I can count here in western Oregon. Still haven’t had a chance to take one. Good luck!