COVID19 - WA Altitude Advantage


Jun 14, 2020
San Diego, CA
I read an article that living at altitude produces lower rates of COVID19 and it seems as if the bodies adaptation to low oxygen is why.

That got me thinking, I wonder if taking Wilderness Athletes Altitude Advantage would help those with poor oxygen issues due to covid.

Anyone else think the same thing and test it out?
Well I had a tight chest all week and since I started taking the supplement on Thursday after I originally posted this I feel like I got all my energy back and the tightened chest has gotten better.

never got a test done but everyone else in my close circle of friends got positive tests with same symptoms.

if anyone is having those issues this may help.

I am not a doctor, just put 2 & 2 together and figured it was worth a shot to keep on hunting.
Does that Wilderness Athletes Altitude Advantage work well for hunting? My lungs are accustomed to central Texas. No matter how much I train before a mountain hunting trip, the altitude kicks my ass every time.
Does that Wilderness Athletes Altitude Advantage work well for hunting? My lungs are accustomed to central Texas. No matter how much I train before a mountain hunting trip, the altitude kicks my ass every time.

While some have suggested it "worked for me!", the overwhelming amount of evidence suggest early arrival and acclimation is the best remedy for the issue.....or Diamox. You could do your part by ensuring your well-hydrated, not low on iron stores (helps carry oxygen to cells), etc. But, I'd be lying to say those are fool-proof ways to guarantee avoiding altitude sickness. That is NOT to detract from those who swear by the supplement, but it also doesn't mean it's going to be a fix for everyone. Your body simply needs enough time to compensate by increasing the volume of red blood cells to carry oxygen.