Credit Freeze- free until Jan31st



May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
same here. when i started researching this it made a lot more sense to me that frozen should be the default status for your credit. i mean how often are you buying cars, houses, opening up new lines of credit.

i get enraged when i really think about this. how is it that these private companies are allowed to collect and store information about us without our consent and then charge us money to protect it. it almost feels like a mob shakedown.

If that's the case, I would have frozen what I didn't even know existed years ago. In fact I would have requested that they completely delete my file and any info they have.

However, right after the Equifax breach came out CNBC had some finance guru on explaining what people should do, and with the credit "freeze" he said you'd have to call or unfreeze it every time you use your credit card.

Something must have got lost in the translation CNBC is pretty good.

Yeah, i've since talked to a few Cyber security folks and almost all mirror your comment 5 miles- just keep your credit info frozen...and only unfreeze when you need a loan or new CC. You wouldn't want them to 'Delete' your credit file.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
For starters, I can't believe that you would watch anything NBC given your views. I see now it may be for comedic relief.

You've obviously never watched it. It's pretty easy to tell that the majority of their daily folks are strong conservatives. That's why it gets pretty comical when they bring on some liberals, or razz their few daily ones. But the vast majority of the show is about business, economics, and corporate stocks (U.S. and foreign). If you invest or trade at all, I don't know why one wouldn't follow the show. Beyond hunting etc, investing and trading is pretty much all I do.

Hey Bruce, as far as deleting my file......I would prefer all cash transactions from here on out anyway.......they can keep their credit, right after deleting my file. It does make you wonder we are so adamant about privacy and protecting our information, and expecting every company we deal with to safeguard the same........and yet here we have an external publicly traded company that has somehow "stolen" our data from somewhere over the years without our permission. So now they have EVERYTHING that we go out of our way TO safeguard and ensure that nobody does get that info. So here they get all of it, and then don't safeguard it so that someone else steals it from them as well. That's pretty messed up.

Oh, and if anyone hadn't heard.......Equifax extended their free freeze period until June 30th.


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
I think you know by now in this digital age....nothing ever gets completely deleted!

Make no mistake on these credit breeches....its a serious threat to all of us and needs to be taken seriously. My one client had his identity stolen and he said it was a HUGE pain and took about a year to fix. If there ever was a case where an ounce of prevention works...its this.

Oh and the password keepers- Keeper, iPass, Kaspersky, etc- with dual authentication for at least your financially sensitive info are the way to go.....