Crow hunting

Jan 22, 2021
Anyone do any crow calling on here I just got into it and it’s a blast. If anyone has pictures or tips tricks and techniques or anything like that that they’d like to share be my guest
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I do it frequently! We have wierd seasons here in Michigan but I get out when I pro all the way up. Hunt somewhere low, corn or scrub stuff, higher the cover the higher they fly. Seems obvious but I sad on wood lines a lot and they barely flew low enough over the fields to shoot. Better off in cherry or apple orchards, or my favorite middle of a corn field where decoys can go in a fence row or soy bens or something. I keep a predator bait pile going most of the year so they get added to that with some fish to keep critters happy in the swamp. Good practice for birds and ducks and great for new people!!!
Put out an owl decoy on a post and some crows in the trees. Set your Foxpro to crow/owl fight and get ready! Some states allow you to use unplugged guns. Crows wise up fast but the first couple times you hunt them it's a lot of shooting
my grandfather said they used to throw an old teddy bear in a field and cover it with ketchup and they would come right too it...I dont know if its true or not....
HAHAHA we sued to do that in High School. But we just used a squirrel or rabbit skin and spray ketchup around.

To the OP...hide well and kill the first ones that come in. Seems like as soon as a couple decide to leave the rest follow. Also you have probably noticed when they come they are coming right now so be ready when that call turns on.
x2 on the owl decoy surrounded by crow decoys. Try to find a good roosting area, sneak in close, set the decoys, and crank the call. We had a lot of success hunting orchards in Northern Michigan before the fruit was picked.

One added bit of advice- they do not back-peddle like a duck when you stand to shoot them. Instead, they dip and dive to take evasive action, a lot like a dove. It's a hoot and can really hone your wing shooting skills.
We used to hunt them in college with our leftover pheasant loads. We used an e-caller. There are large groups of crows in eastern Kansas. It was fun, and pretty simple. Turn on e-caller, hide, wait, shoot.
Oh and one time we hunters prepared a wild game feed for my fraternity. Pheasants quail rabbits turkey, everything. We cooked a crow and served it to the Banana Republic kid. We told him in front of everyone. He was pretty angry and threw up.
Why do you like the raven?

FYI - Ravens cannot be legally hunted and are federally protected. "The crow is classified by the federal government as a migratory nongame bird. It’s the only bird in this classification that may be hunted. In Hawaii, however, crows are protected because there is an endangered crow species there. Crows may be hunted during established seasons which may not exceed 124 days per year. States are prohibited from establishing seasons during the peak nesting period. Individual states set season dates and regulate hunting methods, bag limits, etc., under regulations set by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service."

Deer carcasses for coyote bait can really bring in flocks here in NY. Ravens will often mix in with the crows on these baits in parts of the state. It's about the only time I shoot crows, but nothing like a dead crow hanging from a nearby tree to keep them from completely devouring a coyote bait.