Digiscope options?


Sep 27, 2016
After putting it off as long as possible I finally had to update my phone. Before I order the updated phoneskope case to fit, I figured I would see if anyone has an alternative they like.

I really only use it 3-4 times a year to films shots when I am rock shooting so I can confirm my hits. It’s not something I pack around so size/weight is not a major concern.

Figured I would check before I drop fifty dollars on another little piece of plastic.


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For something like that I would get a Novagrade or something like it. Works with multiple different phone sizes and cases.
Thanks DT. That might be a good option. Spendy but it would be great to have something that works over multiple generations of phones and not having to deal with pulling cases off etc.


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I've been really happy with my magview set up. Pretty quick to set up and use too. Works with my other magnetic niteize accessories and acts as an ocular lens cover too.
Really liking my ScopeCam adaptor setup. Cheaper than the others and I can put it on spotter or bino’s easily. And the attachment to the phone is a 3/4” metal plate sticker with alignment holes that attaches to the back of your phone case. Don’t even notice it is there.