Dream animal hunt, what's yours?

Maybe my archery Bighorn sheep tag this year! Right here in Colorado! After that maybe a Mountain Goat tag here! If money was no issue maybe a red stag in New Zealand or a Marco Polo sheep in Asia! Bob.
Giant mule deer seem to be the only thing that my dreams consist of too... A 200" mule deer with my bow would have to be my dream animal... A hunt on the Henry Mtns, Jicarilla or AZ Strip would be my dream hunt...
Dall sheep for sure. Hopefully I'll be moving to AK in a few years and can make the dream become one that comes true every year!
I'd have to say #1 on would be the not to terribly far in miles to drive, although nearly unreachable would be a North Dakota Bighorn with archery equipment. Almost totally unattainable, but, they did increase the # of permits this year from 4, to 5!!! After that would probably be an Alaskan moose/ brown bear hunt with my son for his 18th birthday (He's 3, so I've got a while, and yes, I've already started saving for that). For now, I am focusing on notching another notch on the bucket list, a 300" archery CO bull elk, and a B&C archery whitetail on my own property (KS). Plenty doable within the next 5 months. Better go shoot right now...
No big dreams here, just a Colorado bull....although I would take a cow too.

Really though, I have a friend and his wife that went to NZ and shot red stags. Actually got them on film for a Browning TV show. Pretty animals. That would be it. Spot and Stalk red stag in NZ. Mountain Goat somehwere too. Sheep don't do it for me right now, although I am working on points....lol.
Having just watched the Full Draw film series, I'd have to change mine to the Woodland Caribou on Newfoundland. Those are just some beautiful creatures. I'd hope to take less self created drama and pathos into the field than did the star of that particular film.