Drying out guywipes?

Wondering if anyone dries out hygiene wipes? I have some Guywipes and wondering once they dry out if they will
Lose the active ingredients and my work as well?
Not sure if there would still be a point to using it. That’d be like using dried up hand sanitizer residue.
This would not be on my top 100 places to save weight on a hunt. Maybe it is due to living in the desert and purposefully wasting water, twice, makes no sense.

Am surprised more hardcore WKRs even use any type of man-made wipes. They should be using rocks, gravel, branches, vegetation, etc to wipe their backside.
Just got back from the mountains, dried my wipes before hand, keep them in a zip lock, rehydrate with mountain water and they work like new, not much weight savings but it’s useless weight to carry them wet.
I've been using some compressed toilet paper coins I got off Amazon. They are about nickel sized in diameter dry and expand when you get them wet.
I second that - the WYSI tablets from Amazon take no space and only a little water to expand pretty big. They don’t have any anti-bacteria/alcohol if that’s what you’re looking for.
I just use these doubled over. Great space saver and ounce saver. I used to throw Dude Wipe singles in with my TP. Now I just stuff these in. Pop a few into a half mouthful of water, and Boom= wet wipe 20220903_111745.jpg
Wondering if anyone dries out hygiene wipes? I have some Guywipes and wondering once they dry out if they will
Lose the active ingredients and my work as well?
I have done this.
Absolutely works.
Add some water when you arrive at camp and you are good to go.
I dry my dude wipes out, put them in a zip lock and the rehydrate when in the mountains, I think they work just as well, I could see alcohol wipes losing effectiveness but the cleaning ones not so much. It’s not a huge weight Savings but I don’t see any point in carrying the extra.
Using alcohol wipes in the place of wet wipes is another weight saving hack, you don’t need caffeine, the alcohol wipes will wake you up more effectively… so I hear