
Ryan Avery

Staff member
Jan 5, 2012
Looking for these exact earplugs. Has anyone seen them for sale?



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Quite a bit more expensive, but I picked up a pair of Decibullz ear plugs for my spring snow goose hunt. A truck load of geese later and I only noticed a couple shots when one of my ear plugs came loose. The best part is you can hear quiet conversation with them in but the valve filters out load noises without needing batteries.

"Edit: I shot my 7mm rm with these yesterday and had no noticeable bell ringing.
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I have a set of the quite bands (you can get them on amazon cheaper than cabelas) which are close to those blue ones.

But just as an FYI after spending some time at some job sites I think I found a solid and fast ear plug for my ears. The "3m EAR express push in corded" plugs work great for me. They push in and instantly seal in my ears (no waiting for foam to expand) and stay put well. I'll play around with both this year, aside from potentially loosing track of the cord in my shirt collar or such I think these ones would actually be nicer to wear around most of the time or have in a cargo pocket, etc.
I picked some up at Cabela's last month. I like using those when hunting because they cling to your neck which saves a little time when you need to take a quick shot.