First elk scenario


Feb 13, 2018
Just daydreaming while e-scouting today and wondered what this crew thinks.

I’m going on my third DIY elk hunt this September. I have had some close calls but not yet filled a tag. This year I cashed in 5 points to draw an either sex archery tag in CO.

If you’re me and and a cow walks in broadside at 25 yards on the first day, do you shoot it?
Doesn't matter what we think - would it thrill you?

Way back in the day when there were a LOT fewer bowhunters and more huntable elk (not locked up on big ranches) I held out for a bull for my first elk, missed one several times, - dont ask - lost two, and in my fourth season I killed a cow on the next to last day. I was thrilled with that big old cow, and that confidence opened the floodgates to a hell of a run.

It's all about what would make YOU happy. Go have a great hunt!
5 NR points...

You are either hunting for book animals only, or you are hunting for a fun hunt. If everything on my fun meter is lighting up going into the moment that cow walks by, I wouldn't hesitate.
I'm going with this, in the moment if it excites you gopher it and don't let any ragerts set it later.
Here’s my thought process:

Am I going for a bull? Yes.
Do I need a trophy? No.
Would I be thrilled to fill a freezer? Absolutely.
What about the 5 points? I go every other year anyway; I will hunt another limited draw in the not so distant future.
Would I always wonder if I could have gotten a bull had I passed on the cow? Probably yes.
Would I be pissed if I went home empty handed after that first day encounter? You bet.

To me it balances out towards shooting, but I’m curious how others think through it as well.
On my first ever elk hunt, I shot the first elk I had a good shot at with my bow. It was a VERY large cow elk.

I regretted the decision to this day. She tasted like a pinecone and was tougher than a boiled owl...

I was surrounded by bulls for the remainder of that 14-day hunt.....Could have killed 4 bulls on that trip and it was OTC....back when OTC was good. lol

Hold out for a legal bull.
Do what ever tips your trigger, heck I cashed in 8 points on my elk tag this year and I have an idea of the kind of bull I would like to shoot, but sometimes everything is just too perfect or a situation is just too good to pass up. I’ll know the second I see the bull I want to hang my tag on. Don’t worry about what a bunch of strangers on the internet think
Agree with dos Perros. elk hunting is too fun to sit out the rest of the season. I shot a small rag on opening day last year kind of cause I always wanted to tag out opening day. I missed all of the rut activity , and I had to pack my bull out solo in two trips due to location and 98 degree weather. No ragerts though, you'll know if she's the one.
I know a guy who shot a cow elk with his bow on the first day of a unit 2 archery elk hunt many years ago.. True story. He feels like a complete fool to this day.

He chased the tag again for well over 20 years and burned his points on a 76-archery tag and shot a small bull. lol.
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shoot her on day 6!!

My call to my wife whenever someone shoots something on the last day:

Since you’re just imagining here…imagine that you shoot that cow and as she takes off a huge bull you couldn’t see yet also took off running. Would you regret it?
You can't kill a bull if you shoot a cow.
You won't learn much about hunting bulls in order to kill bulls by shooting cows.
@Ucsdryder can attest to the elk dumbness in the household of @KickinNDishin and I, so this is a genuine question.

Can I learn much about "hunting bulls" by fiddling with small ones, or is there a significant distinction between hunting BULLS versus bulls?