Game bags


Apr 3, 2017
What's everyone's favorite game bags.
Are some of the more expensive ones worth it or just the throw away kind.

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Not to crap on your post but there has been at least a half dozen posts about game bags in the last couple weeks. This forum, gear forum and I think in the General forum, heck I think there was at least on in the light weight forum as well.
I'm wanting to take some game bags to NL for a moose hunt just to make sure any meat is not put into a "left over" synthetic bag but they will not come back with me since I'm leaving them there for processing.
to me a more interesting question is what size are your game bags? I bone out meat and dont want a too large bag ... or a too small bag. I can also have bone in or bone out. This year I am trying smaller bags and will try to have boned out meat.
Just ordered a few more of the Allen backcountry 30x20" synthetic bags. They worked great for my buddy's elk last year, they are light and breathe well. Best of all, they are super affordable. I see no reason to switch.
For years I used king size pillow cases, purchased at Goodwill or Salvation Army, cheap. A guy can get 4 or 5, for under $5. Worked great, recently tho, I’ve picked up a couple sets of the Caribou bags. Over the last 3 years the Caribou bags have been great. Wash em up and reuse em, no problems. Also, I’m on the Washington coast, really wet here in the late seasons, I like how quickly they dry. The benefits of synthetics versus cotton.
Look up Backcountry Borne on Facebook , he is a member here great bags

I went with these, and had him make me a couple extra to either be my laundry and food bags or more meat on the pack out if need be.
I use the cheap game backs you see everywhere. They aren't throw away either. I've used some for 3 or 4 animals. The clean up super easy and are cheap. I've also either helped pack out a buddies animal or a strangers once or twice if they didn't have game bags I just let them use mine and keep them.
Can’t belive no1 mentioned the Kifaru meat bags. A DeBoned buck will fit into (2) of these bags and not get a drop of blood on ur pack.,, throw them in the wash after. I love them,