Good OTC archery Antelope area


Mar 6, 2012
I've done a little research but figured I'd ask some experts. I am looking to go this fall, not looking for trophy's just a good opportunity at something nice potentially. I'll be sleeping in my truck or camping. I'm in good shape to a lot of foot travel is not an issue.
Any input?
I think you are going to have to apply in the draw if you want a buck antelope in Wyoming, Idaho or Colorado. There are units you can draw with no points though.

Your fitness will help you be successful, but is not as much of an issue as in a mountain hunt. Most antelope areas are well roaded, but being willing to look over the ridge you can't see behind from the road will pay off.

Be prepared to burn a lot of fuel looking for/at antelope. When I hunted a grassland in CO that took 3 points to draw, I saw Antelope about every 5 minutes just from the roads. Lots of blown stalks and a couple of days in a blind on a water tank, and more than one missed opportunity. If you are going to decoy, you want to be hunting in the Last Week of September. Don't decoy in the rifle season though...

Check the draw odds on the State websites or in for Wyoming. Also look at the leftover tag list. Many of those units are tough access though.

Good luck.
A lot of the eastern or central/eastern part of WY can be drawn with no points, but a lot of the units have limited public access. The good thing is you can go to some of the walk in areas(private land leased by fish and game) and hunt. The areas range from a few hundred to a few thousand.
There are usually leftover tags in WY.

You'd have to put in for the draw in Idaho, but there are several "unlimited" hunts which gurantee you a tag.
I think Montana still has a guarenteed archery antelope tag. When I lived there we would start decoying them around the 10th. It works best when you have another person working the decoy. It was some of the funnest hunting I've done. We would get opportunities every day.
X2 on the unlimited pronghorn hunts in ID. I have been doing these hunts the last couple years and have had multiple multiple chances at P&Y goats both seasons... They aren't hard to find either! If you decided to come out here or want more info just ask! :)
I've hunted WY many times with a rifle and one time with a bow. The rifle hunts have all been 100% draw units with limited land. We've been successful but dealt with a bunch of pressure. The bow hunt was a backup plan if our CO elk hunt was a bust. Since the elk hunting sucked we hopped in the truck and drove to WY for the remainder of our trip. I printed a list of units with leftover tags and we purchased them at the hardware store when we got to Douglas. We hunted a very limited access unit but didn't see another hunter on public land in 6 days. We hunted the same road and same dozen small pieces of land each day. We saw tons of antelope and were on stalks constantly. If I had a blind with me I could have very easily set up on water too. The animals are so much more fun to hunt in September when they aren't pressured and are rutting as well.

IMO, I'd just find a 100% draw unit in the Central-Eastern part of the state with some alright access and go. Bank a preference point for future trips.
What areas are unlimited in ID? I live in Utah just wondering if its close to me.....

Nearly half the state... Look at the Idaho regs, hunt number 21-A is the best option for the Unlimited as it allows a very large group of units.
I'm interested in Archery hunting and it sounds like a local Antelope tag might be a good way to get my feet wet.

Nick and Juan in regards to the Idaho hunts,

Do you spot and stalk or blind hunt?
Would traditional gear work or are the shots longer?
Never sat in a blind for Idaho Pronghorn... the 21-A hunt may have some locations that lend itself to waiting in a blind in 100+ degree temps, but I haven't found one nor would I want to. When you hunt Spot and Stalk, you have the opportunity to make things happen, pick out the buck you want and dictate the rest. While I won't give out specific areas to hunt, I will say there are a pile of great locations to hunt with the 21-A tag.

The first year I did the 21-A hunt, I went and hunted 19 times. I had 31 stalks. I am embarrased to say how many resulted in a shot, so I won't. No animals were wounded and I missed a great buck on the last day at 12 yards because I was too darn excited.

This past year, I hunted 3 days, did nine stalks and took a great buck. I had shots each day and either passed them or missed.

What I learned after the first year is that you need to wait out a buck for the best opportunity to get close. If you are stalking a group of Pronghorn to get to a particular buck (common to see herds of 10-15 doe's with one buck), focus on the lead group of doe's and stalk her (them)... He will bring up the rear usually and come right by you. Once I learned that, it got easier. Still, not simple by any means, but it made the hunt a bit more enjoyable.

There are a few unlimited hunts that only encompass one unit, but you can't beat the 21-A tag for the amount of land you can hunt... I think it's 17 units or something, archery only, before the rifle hunts (all draws).

Spot and Stalk Pronghorn hunting is fun, in fact I think I enjoy it as much as anything else and they have easily frustrated me more than anything I have ever done with a bow in my hands.
