How many of you guys leave your hunting backpack packed with all your gear? Or unpack it and store it?

It depends on how long until my next hunt, but I don't usually have that much time between hunting days. Most of my hunting gear is only used for hunting. The type of weapon and gun will also impact what I carry. Also, I may swap things out due to temperature changes.

Maybe it's obvious, f there is any type of precipitation, I take everything out to make sure everything is completely dry.
I'm constantly messing with my pack. It's all tore apart in a pile right now.

Waiting on Safariland to send my holster before I put it back together. Three dang weeks to ship a holster?!?!? Makes me unhappy.
Mine is always packed, ready for either early season, or late season.

Might have to rethink this though, last season I found a dehydrated apple in the outer mesh pocket.
I unpack the main compartment to clean, repair & organize gear. The lid and outside pockets stay packed, since those items are almost always the same.
After I get back I usually sort everything into different “kits”. Have the stuff I’ll use predator hunting, deer hunting, and then the few things that are exclusive to the annual mountain/backcountry hunt.
Depends on time till next use. From sept thru january “the night before a hunt” is every Thursday and some tuesdays…plus a few mornings and evenings. I’m out more or less every day I’m not at work, so to me it makes no sense to unpack and put away…Id rather spend my time hunting than packing for hunting. Each summer I put up about 4 cords of hardwood in the garage, put away the garden and yard tools, and bring some chairs, a folding table and an old rug in and set up a gear/changing area for the wife and I. Keeps the house from looking like a locker room, and keeps my hunting clothes from smelling like a labrador retriever. Some stuff might get unpacked and hung on the woodpile to dry, but the pack and bulk of my kit stays right there, ready to go—just grab jacket, boots, and walk out the door, no agonizing over which knife to bring or “did I remember my headlamp”, etc. Most of the kit stays in the pack year round for scouting, anyway. Same with my bird hunting vest, dump another box of shells in when it starts getting light, dump out the empties/feathers/twigs at the end of the season, and thats about it.
Over the years my bag has gotten lighter and lighter as a realized all the crap I just didnt need. Restock it when needed but my hunting bag is ready to grab and go.
I leave majority of my bags packed but knowing myself I will unpack it to repack it. I also will change the gear I take WAAYY to often in my bag.
Unpack. I leave my kill kit in my main hunting pack after cleaning and sharpening my knife and cleaning game bags. Most everything else is used for different activities (camping, backpacking, hiking, traveling, hunts where I don't need a big pack, etc.) and I have a lot of different packs for different things.
Unpack. I do place most most commonly used items into a single tote that I can easily throw into the truck. Kinda nice for all the different species that get hunted.
I live where I hunt and always try to sneak in last minute hunts as time allows so for the most part my pack is ready to hunt at all times if there is an active season open.
I’ll restock or rearrange as needed.