How much insulation is too much?


Nov 21, 2016
I am looking to get a pair of insulated boots but not sure how much insulation is too much. I know 200 grams is too little for late season (Montana November elk & mule deer), and don’t know if a boot like the Kenetrek Mountain Extreme in 1000 grams would be too much.

During late season I do a mix of long glassing sessions and still hunting through timber. When I wear my non-insulated boots my feet are slightly cold and sometimes warm when really climbing steeps, but then they completely freeze when glassing long periods of times.

What are some recommendations for the amount of insulation that seems to work for you guys and gals?


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Too much insulation is going to make your feet sweat when walking, then freeze once you sit glassing for some time.

This year on the cold days I took my Kifaru woobie and wrapped my entire lower body, under my boots and I was quite comfortable.

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200 is enough for active late season hunts. I used to tie my boots way too tight and always had cold feet no matter how insulated the boots. Once I found boots that fit my foot, I didn't have to tie my boots so tight and this drastically improved my foot comfort/warmth on long sits.
Unless I'm ice fishing (have some 1600gr for that) or sitting in a deer stand (which I haven't done in years) 200 is max. I use heavyweight socks and boot insulators when sitting now.
I bring uninsulated Kowas, 200 elk trackers, 400 kenetreks and Muck Wetland boots for around camp etc.. just swap out socks to get the right combination for the conditions
Common problem for many of us. I got a pair of Irish Setter boots with 400 gram insulation, Ultra dry. Best boots I've ever had. Wore them in September through November. Heavier wool socks for colder weather. My feet stay dry and warm. My heavy White's pack boots are just used for ice fishing these days.
Thanks for the input everybody. Moisture management seems to be key here, and not over tightening boots to allow circulation. I’ll be narrowing my search to 200-400 grams of insulation. Probably looking at some Kenetreks or Hoffman boots.

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