I guess we need a 2022 fitness goal thread!


Jan 21, 2015
March was a rough one for my mileage. I ended up developing a stress fracture in my left foot and had to stop running at the beginning of the month. It kind of came out of nowhere and I still don't really understand how it developed but I'm dealing with it now to heal up over the next month or so. Between that, the subsequent snow, and a family vacation my mileage really took a hit, but I've started mountain biking a bit more for the last two weeks hoping to retain something of my fitness in tact as my foot heals. Only about 84 total trail miles for the month, putting me quite a bit behind schedule but I'll catch up over the summer. I may not get 1,000 trail running miles anymore, but I can still get 1,600 total trail miles with the added biking/hiking. I should also still be able to catch up on the elevation gain.

Trail Running Miles- 206
Hiking Miles- 63
Mtb. Miles- 62
Total Trail Miles- 331 of 1,600 mile goal for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 53,800 of 225,000 goal for the year


Jan 21, 2015
What's some advice for maintaining mass while still being in high exertion hunting shape?

I've done a great job putting on size over the last year. I've always been very fit but pretty lean which has worked out nicely for backpacking and hunting. I'm now up to 220 lbs at 6'1" and wouldn't mind gaining another 10 lbs of muscle. I'm really enjoying the strength and size... The issue I'm having is my cardio isn't what it used to be at my normal in shape of 185-190 lbs.

Is this a lost cause and should I "meet in the middle" somewhere?

Thanks for any advice.
I'm also 6'1" but back when I was 220 it wasn't from muscle. I can tell you I feel A LOT better in the mountains at 180 lbs. than I did back then. I don't have much to offer from personal experience with that, but I think you have to experiment and find the balance that works for you. I've seen some guys bulk up in the winter, focusing on lifting, and then trim it back, slim down and focus on cardio through the summer to be ready for hunting. I've never been a fan of that cycle, I like to maintain a constant year round, but everyone is different.

When you look at it, the difference between 220 and 180 is 40 lbs. Even if it's muscle, it's like the difference between carrying a heavy pack or not. I know it's not a totally accurate comparison as the weight is distributed differently but I still think it's helpful to think about. The extra muscle weight is still weight, so it's going to be more difficult to get around in the mountains.

I'm not going to say he has it totally figured out, but the owner of Warrior Fuel, Ryan Alspach, used to live in my neighborhood and he tries to do both (muscle and cardio for the mountains). He might be one to look up for advice if you are serious about trying to do both.
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Oct 18, 2016
What's some advice for maintaining mass while still being in high exertion hunting shape?

I've done a great job putting on size over the last year. I've always been very fit but pretty lean which has worked out nicely for backpacking and hunting. I'm now up to 220 lbs at 6'1" and wouldn't mind gaining another 10 lbs of muscle. I'm really enjoying the strength and size... The issue I'm having is my cardio isn't what it used to be at my normal in shape of 185-190 lbs.

Is this a lost cause and should I "meet in the middle" somewhere?

Thanks for any advice.

I would look at “meeting in the middle”

I think strength is an important pillar for mountain fitness, but aerobic capacity is a larger pillar. Personally I strength train twice a week using Wendler’s 5/3/1 template, slightly modified for my use. I’m pretty happy with my deadlift/squat/bench/overhead press. If I lifted 3-4 times a week and put on some additional weight I’m sure it would be higher yet, BUT I’d be sacrificing some aerobic capacity to do that and not a good trade off for moving in the mountains imho.
Feb 9, 2019
British Columbia
500lb squat, I may have to gain another 15lbs to get the rest of the way there but I think I can get it this year...315 bench is right around the corner as well but I think I'm more amped on the squat. I may huff and puff my way through the hunting season with this power belly but at least I'll be whistling my way back to the vehicle once the pack is loaded up with meat. In my personal experience my cardio can suck and I'm still just as capable in the mountains it just sucks a lot more and I may move slightly slower. If my strength is not up to par that's not the case, I'm actually incapable of carrying the same loads and may be facing extra trips on a pack out as a result.


Jan 21, 2015
April was another rough one with my foot still healing but I did start easing back into running towards the end of the month. I'm behind on both my mileage and elevation goals but I still feel like I have a pretty good chance of reaching both goals. I just have to slowly work back up to where I was. It's crazy how fast you can get out of shape if you aren't consistent.

Trail Running Miles- 243
Hiking Miles- 78
MTB. Miles- 117
Total Trail Miles- 438 of 1,600 goal for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 69,000 of 250,000 goal for the year.

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Oct 18, 2016
April was pretty decent for me- 158 miles (671 miles for the year) on the trails; a couple were snowshoeing trips w/ pretty big elevation gains. Finally back in the rhythm of strength training twice a week too.

On a bit of a sour note, I injured the peroneal tendon next to my ankle on our long snowshoe trip. It's healed enough that I can hike without any pain, but there is a small lump above my ankle and it's a little tender to the touch.

I have an adventure race at the end of the month and it's longer than normal (150-ish miles, usually 100-ish miles), I'm pretty sure I'm going to skip it (first time in eight years). 25-35 miles/day is a lot different than 8-10 miles/day and don't want to totally mess it up as I have some pretty big summer plans (and for hunting season too :D).


Dec 23, 2021
My goal is just to complete the Wind River High Route without flopping over dead before I make it back to the truck. If I get into the truck I will then allow myself to die. My wife says that’s important… something about a body for insurance. 🤷


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Oct 18, 2016
^ Wind River High Route is on my bucket list :)

I'm thinking there is a good chance I'll be attempting the Sierra High Route this July, hence my hesitation for the adventure race this month.
Dec 23, 2021
^ Wind River High Route is on my bucket list :)

I'm thinking there is a good chance I'll be attempting the Sierra High Route this July, hence my hesitation for the adventure race this month.
I’m going to attempt it sometime between July 15th and the 28th. Plan to take 11 days. Maybe you’ll change it up and do the WR instead of the Sierra’s. If you do maybe our paths will cross. Or you’ll find my sorry dead ass 😬

I’m going north to south from Green River Lakes to Big Sandy Opening. Doing pretty short mileage days because (as you know) it’s mostly off trail.

Most of my “workout” routine is at work.
I get between 10,000 and 20,000 steps per day with lots of stairs. Carrying a radio and wearing fairly heavy work boots. I’ve been thinking of adding a weight vest to my work getup. I’d probably never live that down with the operators. 😂

Otherwise I do some occasional hikes with the dogs and a short backpacking trip to get the kid out and do a gear shakedown.


Apr 26, 2022
Duvall, WA
I have 2 main fitness goals this year, one of them is impossible (but worth striving for regardless), and the other is realistic if I'm very mindful about it.

Realistically, I want to train as hard as I can without injuring myself. I was in a really bad car accident a few years ago and shattered my pelvis and knee, broke my ankle, and severed some tendons in my leg. After all the surgeries I have enough metal in my legs to build another bridge over Lake Washington. I was in a wheelchair for about a year and had to do the whole "learn to walk again" thing. Leg muscles atrophied a ton and I was feeling sorry for myself and used it as an excuse to let myself get out of shape. I still have a lot of residual pain/arthritis/nerve damage. I really pushed myself last fall and was able to do 40 pretty intense mountain miles over 5 days. I was very happy to be back to a state where I felt more confident in my physical abilities. I'm just getting back to the 10+ mile hikes on a regular basis, and I just need to be careful not to overdo it. If I hurt myself and have to take a few months off to rehab I am going to be really upset with myself.

The impossible goal is to never have the "wow I should have trained harder" moment on the mountain come September. Never going to happen, but I can damn sure try!


Sep 10, 2019
This is a cool thread. I'm glad that I found it. These goals came to mind for me:
  • 2K row in 6:50
  • 1/2/3/4 plates x 5 reps for OH Press / Bench / Squat / Deadlift
  • Figuring out how to perform a walking handstand
Feb 5, 2021
Goals are the pillar of success however you measure them, personally and professionally. Mt. Warden kills it with distance and elevation. He reminds us southerners everyday on the WOD thread. Tiny Elvis is the official WOD guide dog.
I’ve changed my workout routine from heavy weight/low rep to moderate weight/10-30 rep sets with cardio between sets. Less joint pain and injuries to contend with since I’m well beyond 21.
If you would like further motivation check out the WOD thread. We get after it over there, learn from each other’s routines and it gives us a platform to share our interests in training and alternatives for staying healthy.
Good luck with your goals
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Jan 21, 2015
May was an okay month for me, at least I didn't fall further behind. This month I should start catching up on both mileage and elevation. My foot is feeling better and I'm starting to stretch my runs out a bit more again. Also doing a bit more biking with the high school team. I should be able to pack on a bunch of miles over the next few months.

Trail Running Miles- 313
Hiking Miles- 92
MTB. Miles- 166
Total Trail Miles- 571 of 1,600 goal for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 93,000 of 250,000 goal for the year

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Jan 21, 2015


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Oct 18, 2016
259 miles is a great month. It looks like retirement is treating you well, or you are treating your retirement well, however you want to look at it!

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Thanks but I mucked my math up, it was 232 miles- still a good month :D

retirement is treating me very well!


Jan 21, 2015
Halfway through the year already. June was a pretty good mileage month for me with just over 200 miles and about 24,000 ft. of elevation gain. I made up some miles, though the majority of those were on a mountain bike. That trend will likely continue for a couple of months but I'll still mix in a decent amount of hiking and, of course, trail running. I'll likely throw in a scouting trip in July and for sure have a few planned for August. I'm a bit behind overall, especially on the elevation gain, but I'm still very confident I'll catch up and complete my goals. Here's where I'm at for the year:

Trail Running Miles- 344
Hiking Miles- 99
Mtn. Biking Miles- 329
Total Trail Miles- 772 of 1,600 Mile goal for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 116K of 250K goal for the year


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Oct 18, 2016
^ nice :)

June was decent- 149 miles for the month, 1053 for the year so I’m still ahead of “schedule” a little.

Strength training is back to normal, hitting it twice a week.

July if all goes as planned, will be a big month. Mid month going to give the High Sierra Route a go. 190- ish miles, probably 2/3’s off trail- 50-60,000’ of gain. Should be an a$$ kicker :D
Dec 28, 2015
I’m late to this but about 2 months ago I decided to train for a marathon. I’m 37, decent shape.

My running has always consisted of short distances, 5 miles being my max.

I needed a challenge, so I decided first of May to shoot for a Marathon. Goal is to run one in Oct-Nov of this year.

Currently I’m up to 12 miles as my longest run. I’ve increased my mileage from 10 miles a week to now averaging right at 30 miles a week.

For variety I also swim 2x week for 30 min.

So far I’m progressing well. No injuries, just a few aches here and there.
Apr 5, 2013
Pine, CO
Had to revise my fitness goal for the year after an inverted downhill mountain bike incident over 4th of July weekend.... Tore my hamstring, strained my knee and did a good bit of peripheral abuse to my leg. So my summer goal of completing a marathon and improving my weekly fitness work to 20+ miles/ week trail running + 3-4 days week of crossfit became.... PT my leg to the point I can handle my 4 day September bear hunt (backpack/ backcountry) and be ready for my October solo elk hunt/ pack out/ suffer fest. It's pretty humbling going from the "I'm going to get in the best shape I've been in for a few years, and walk my 10 year younger hunting partners into the ground" to "I sure hope I can carry my 40 lb pack for 10 miles a day at altitude in the canyons come September without hurting myself again". Right now I'm at the f$%- yeah, I managed to go on a 2 mile hike with my kids, and my leg only hurts a little... point.