Idaho Elk Tag Filled!!


Jul 13, 2012
Moscow, ID.
I am so excited. Since I have had limited time to hunt and was not able to get my brother a shot while he was here, even though we were close a few times. I was able to fill my tag the morning of the 28th with a 5x5, that just happened by dumb luck, which I am definitely alright with. The wife is in Florida with our two older children and my Mom moved here two weeks ago to help us with CB, I had the opportunity to go out one last time before the end of Archery season.
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Although I rarely forget any gear for my outings, today was an exception. I had cleaned all the gear out of the truck from hunting a few days last week with my brothers (they helped my parents move up here). I had washed all my clothes and mostly reorganized, but did not load everything back into my pack. So gathering my gear and hitting the road to my spot at 4 AM allowed me to leave without my pack. Just after I hit Elk River about an hour drive, I realized I left my pack sitting in the garage. Normally it would not have been an issue, but my hunting license and tag were in the top pocket??
Frustrated and saying several words I will not put into writing, I headed back to the house. I almost decided not to go back hunting, but my Mom was watching the baby, it had rained in the area I hunt during the night, and it had gotten down to 40 degrees. So I headed back down the road hoping to get started hunting by 7:30. I hit Elk River again just around 7 and turned to go into the hills on the forest service roads.
Rest of the Story!

About half way up the mountain to the area I planned on hunting, this elk was standing in the road I was driving on. I slow down and he casually walks off the road downhill. Man this area is steep with all kinds of deadfall. I slowly drive past him and he has only moved down about 20 yards when I go by and seemed too care less I was driving by. Knowing he is not the Big Bull I had at 80 yards opening weekend, I really didn’t care, because he looked great to me. I drove around a couple of corners, about a quarter mile and pulled over in a wide spot of the road. Grabbed my gear and humped it down the road to where he stepped off.
I snuck to the edge to see he had moved down in the woods about 110 yards. I moved back up the road 80 yards or so just past a short rise that would conceal me moving downhill parallel to him. I setup and gave a few cow calls since he was alone. He came in on a string looking for love, well at least sex, and presented a great quartering to me shot at around 42 yards.
He turned and ran back the same way he came pilling up within a few hundred yards. He of course managed to wedge in and under three deadfalls that made for one exhausting quartering job. I would say that him expiring within 200 yards of the road was great, except it was on at least a 70% slope with all kinds of deadfalls. It took me three and a half hours to quarter him up, with the first rear quarter taking me 45 minutes because of how he wedged himself under the dead trees. I got the meat, head and gear up to the road in five trips. Those 200 yards turned into at least double, since I had to side hill and avoid deadfalls to get up the slope. I see him as a 5x5, technically by the regulations he is a 6x6, he had a small body in my estimate of weighing about 450-500#’s. Overall he is an awesome Bull and a giant in my book!!

Pictures will be tomorrow when I am at my other computer. Sorry
Congrats!!! Cant wait for the pics. I know that area well and have hunted there for years. Any time you can stick one in that jungle you are doing something right. Road hunting or not he is a trophy.



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