Inreach mini battery life


Apr 27, 2012
Queensland, Downunder
I'm sure this has been covered already but I couldn't find it on a search.

How long can I expect the battery to last with sending a message each night? Turned off the remainder of the time.


Oct 18, 2021
If its new and haven't killed the battery a ton, also if it doesn't freeze or get to cold it'll last weeks. Mine had 80% after a week doing 2 messages a day turning off inbetween


Oct 6, 2021
If you want the "floor" I do it the other way - I only send 1-2 messages a day, but leave it on and tracking me (10min intervals) so my wife can see where I am if there's an emergency. I turn it off at night after I make camp , usually around 7pm, and back on in the morning when I set out, usually around 6am. Used this way it will easily last 2-3 days.

My "power budget" covers three items: my InReach, my cell phone, my Nitecore NU25 headlamp. My cell phone uses the most power - I do put it in airplane mode but I only bring it because I use it as my GPS and camera, so I do use it a fair bit as I often hunt near property boundaries and tend to take 15-20 photos a day. Given all that, I carry a 5,000mAh battery pack for most trips. I don't need to use it at all on 1-2 day outings so it's just there for emergencies. At 3-4 days I definitely use it at least once and that pretty much drains it. Anything longer and I bring a 10,000 pack.

Of these three devices the InReach uses the least power and this is with usage way higher than you're planning. Honestly, I wish they would introduce a model/option with a SMALLER battery. It's my heaviest electronic item even being the Mini, and it just doesn't need to be. You shouldn't have any range-anxiety with it.