Kifaru Multicam Discontinued?

You can have any color you want, as long as it's Ranger Green! And Kifaru makes hands down the best looking Ranger Green of anyone out there, hunting packs or otherwise. Exo is also dropping MC from their lineup when they launch their K4.
Yes we have discontinued MC and CB. RG was 85% of our sales. The MC and CB just wasn't selling. so maybe at some point we will do limited runs on certain things in MC and CB. But for right now we will be just rolling Ranger Green.
This hurts me so badly. I am such a sucker for multicam 😢
Love my MC Hoodlum for years to come. I bought a used RG T1 a while back and got rid of it. Wonder if MR will continue their lineup in MC? Cant believe i just said that........
Just a thought.

Kifaru might be paying royalties to the camo company.

I know when the cabelas buyout by bass pro happened, mossy oak and real tree camo were no longer offered in the stores. It was reportedly the royalties to the camo companies that caused it.
Kifaru is doing the world a favor by reducing color choices. There's plenty of people who believe the color of their gear is what allowed them to kill a critter.....never considering Fred Bear era guys who wore blue flannel and killed stuff at 20 yards.

If Kifaru keeps all color choices the price has to increase and that affects image to the entitled only crowd. If Kifaru shows grip and grins in solid colors, perhaps it becomes the catalyst to prove how out of wack instagram types are.
I'll bet you $100 that ditching colors won't reduce prices.
100% agree....but it might slow the hemorrhage.

I can only imagine the logistical difference between Riverton and basically anywhere else with a typical population and travel routes. Employees, contractors, weather....etc are all trickle downs.