Labor Day Combo Hunt

What a great hunt!
I'm beginning to think Washington is a sleeper state for Deer, you guys have been posting pics of some nice Deer.

Mac-D has the body of a horse and his rack still looks huge. I hope you are able to get him this season, sounds like your ready :)

Very few and very far between but we def have some nice bucks around... I know some guys that have trailcams in the high country and have pics of 50+ bucks in one area but nothing over 145ish.

Thanks guys, it was a blast.

Like Mike said, we do have some nice bucks but they are hard to find.

I think Brock, littlebuf and myself saw around 20 bucks last weekend and Mac-D was the only one over 150".
Well Brock A, littlebuf and myself are heading back out this weekend for more mule deer action. We leave first thing tomorrow morning! Should be a good time.
I'm trading in the ole stick & string for my .270. Freezer is empty ;-). Did some shooting at Justin's last night to make sure my gun is still on since I haven't shot it since last Oct. Anything from 0-300 yards better watch out!
Good luck guys. I hope somebody puts the smack on Mac-D. I am leaving in a couple hours, I hope the weather isn't too bad.
Justin said I was gay but I'm pretty sure this will be the best damn trip yet!

As long as we hunt hard (and I know you will) I don't care what kind of pretty boy drink you enjoy for breakfast! We are definitely going to have a great time no matter what!

I just cut the snow collar, sleeping bag divider and bladder pocket out of my brand new Kifaru T1!

When it arrived today it weighed exactly 5# 15.2 oz. before I cut it. I won't have a chance to weigh it again until we get back from our trip.
ive got a surprise for breakfast Saturday to go with that fancy coffee too. looks like were going to be roughing it again Justin
As long as we hunt hard (and I know you will) I don't care what kind of pretty boy drink you enjoy for breakfast! We are definitely going to have a great time no matter what!

I just cut the snow collar, sleeping bag divider and bladder pocket out of my brand new Kifaru T1!

When it arrived today it weighed exactly 5# 15.2 oz. before I cut it. I won't have a chance to weigh it again until we get back from our trip.

my sleeping bag divider weighed 4oz once hacked, would guess snow collar about the same
Weather turned real nice at about 4am for this hike out. Rain/snow shit sandwich with a side of stiff wind.