Late Season California Bear


Feb 12, 2020
Anchorage, AK
Hoping to get experiences from people who have had success hunting/observing bears in California during November through the end of the year. I usually get a lot of time off of work around this period of the year, hoping to make the most of it.

I've read a lot concerning California bears not going into true hibernation, rather torpor, or perhaps being active year round, compared to other regions. I'm not opposed to traveling father north, but my eyeballs were drawn to the D8/D9/X10 region being relatively closer to Southern California.

Does have anyone have experiences regarding late season bear activity/behavior in these regions? Want to do more research before starting to take some trips next month to get familiar with the areas ahead of time.
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That’s the absolute worst time to find bears in cali. Every year I focus on deer since you have all year for bear (thinking I’ll get one later) and by Nov all the bears Iv seen both high and low are MIA. The best time is EARLY archery both high and low elevation and everywhere inbetween. I think once upland opens and dudes are running around with dogs banGin off shotguns could be a big factor.
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Bears go into torpor, I go into a stupor.

Bear hunting in November is great. Just like the rest of the year, finding the food sources is key.

if you can hunt after a fresh snow, just follow the tracks.
If you can find the food source you'll find the bears. If it's an acorn covered hillside, just wait for one to stroll through. If the area doesn't have acorns and the food sources are spread out, so will the bears. Will need some luck and a lot of patience.