Legalized robbery that needs to stop.

Wish CPW could do basic math and understand supply/demand. Wyoming is figuring out what people are willing to pay for a tag.
While I agree with supply/demand in general markets, I don't see it applicable to the opportunity to hunt and fish, especially on public land. There's also a ton of private land hunting that is pay-to-play for those interested.
Several states have passed the right to hunt/fish laws. I don't feel like jacking prices up to curb demand or to increase revenue is in line with the right to hunt/fish. I can't imagine trying to make hunts out west on a teacher or other lower-paying salary.
Game agencies should cover their expenses, but not be out to seek a profit or limit opportunity by increasing cost.
$6k for a bison license is just ridiculous.
Where can you see what WY spends all of this revenue on?
While I agree with supply/demand in general markets, I don't see it applicable to the opportunity to hunt and fish, especially on public land. There's also a ton of private land hunting that is pay-to-play for those interested.
Several states have passed the right to hunt/fish laws. I don't feel like jacking prices up to curb demand or to increase revenue is in line with the right to hunt/fish. I can't imagine trying to make hunts out west on a teacher or other lower-paying salary.
Game agencies should cover their expenses, but not be out to seek a profit or limit opportunity by increasing cost.
$6k for a bison license is just ridiculous.
Where can you see what WY spends all of this revenue on?
The "right to hunt and fish" means nothing. It's simply a feel good law. If you can fish for carp and hunt squirrels, the law is satisfied. People CHOOSE to hunt out here, just like they choose to pay $250 to ski for a day in CO, or $150 for a round of golf. Teachers chose a low-paying occupation. If a teacher can't afford $330 to hunt elk in Wyoming, they can stay home and hunt on the cheap. Give me a break.
Better than the model a lot of Canadian provinces have. Can’t hunt a lot of big game in other provinces without a direct resident host or hiring a guide.
Popcorn mode on...
Why do people that love to hunt there live elsewhere?
Wyoming would have more residents applying for tags if the state was more attractive to live there with jobs, cost of living, etc
My mom is from Germany. My grandfather owned a 60 acre parcel of land. Every year the state gov. would him first chance, to lease the hunting rights on HIS land. If he didn't pay, they would sell the rights to someone else.
Wyoming will not be getting a penny this year from me after over two decades of being gradually jerked around re cost to apply, points, and now tags offered as preference and random. I am done. Had some fun pronghorn hunts. Met some nice locals and ranchers. Nothing magic about Wyoming that justifies being crapped on anymore. Your tolerance as a non-resident may be higher. Good luck outliving the hundreds of point holders ahead of you and the hundreds in your point class. You will need to live a few decades more and beat the steep, steep odds. You also likely die first but if do get a tag be sure to top off your supplemental oxygen for your hunt.
Yes please stop applying immediately.
This isn’t even last years spread sheet. View attachment 666349
Start a revolution. Have everyone skip the application period for an entire year. Have hunters kill animals at will in the fall. There would not be enough conservation officers to catch every person hunting without a license that year. They’d be overwhelmed. Collect the $ (millions) in application and preference point fees and use it to pay for a legal defense fund for those that get caught. (Cost of points and tag starting to exceed fines, anyhow.). Problem solved. That’ll show em.
Yes please stop applying immediately.
And this is the solution. Stop sending your money and stop hunting here. Somehow the state will tread water and make it through.
The other solution is leave your comfort zone and move here since you want a say.
And to call it robbery shows the ignorance of it all. Hunting as a non res is a privilege and with that privilege comes abiding by the states regulations. Don’t agree? Don’t apply.
I used to hunt Iowa for whitetails. I disagreed with being forced to buy a “complimentary” doe tag for $100 when I knew I wouldn’t shoot a doe (not sure if they still do this but they did in 2010 or 2011). I didn’t whine about it on a forum I just stopped hunting there. Do the same.
The only legit argument non res have in Wyoming is the increase in point costs to apply. That came about from a similar thread and was the only productive point made. This one will likely be the same.
Hunting another states wildlife is a privilege not a right. With this logic I should petition that Kifaru lower their prices because their packs are expensive, but I want one.
Or trick folks into getting a parks pass with their vehicle registration and scoop up 43 million dollars
Its a "trick" to offer a park pass cheaper with your registration than at the parks after the fact and there is literally a question of whether you want it or not while completing the registration process? Talk about not taking personal accountability... geesh.

"They asked me if I wanted to pay but I didn't read the question and just clicked past it, they tricked me!" ??? :rolleyes:
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I think one important question to come from those statistics is the money generated from the preference point system. After seeing that, no way Wyoming gives up on that income and does away with the system. Thoughts?