Looking for a partner for Idaho, bear in early June, deer and elk in the fall.

Apr 29, 2019
Hey, I live in TN, work most of the year in Illinois, and I've chosen to dedicate most of my time hunting Idaho this year. My schedule is pretty flexible, but I'm planning to hit a June bear hunt, DIY, otc, public land, and then head back out again in the late fall for rifle elk/deer. I'm 39 years old, a 12 year Army Vet, and I've hunted hard all of my life. I'm planning on backpack hunting, and I have top notch gear. I'd love to find someone, or some people with similar hunting interests to try to line up some western hunts. I would be open to discussing almost any other hunting opportunities, as long as it gets me in the wilderness. Thanks for reading.
I'm too late for this year but I'm interested in the future. I'm in western KY with family all over KY and TN.
If you’re still going for rifle deer I would be interested, 22 years old disabled army vet and I’m just getting into hunting.
I am in Northern IL and would be interested in talking about a archery or rifle hunt in 2020. Are you deadset on ID or would you consider CO?
I'm willing to talk about a bear hunt for next year. I'm going on 12 years in the army myself.

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