Mammoths ....... in Yellowstone?

“since most of their habitat has been lost to a warming planet since the ice age and human civilization over the past 20,000 years.”

This reads like human-caused global warming is somehow to blame for the mammoth going extinct. This would be men playing God, not the undoing of an extinction event caused by humans.
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Was a pretty good listen, and she has a book about de-extinction

While they are reintroducing everything, maybe some neanderthal with clubs and spears and turn them loose in the back yard of all these pro-reintroduction idiots.

Because you can, doesn't mean you should
One good thing is as they populate and spread out probably wont have to worry about corner crossings. Just follow the big hairy elephants. ANYONE EVER STOP AND THINK THERES A REASON THINGS GO EXTINCT.
On the plus side, this could give wolves something else to chase/murder besides elk and bison... but back here in the real world, imagine if the smart folks involved in this program put their brains and energy towards something more useful? What if we focused our 'de-extinction' efforts towards resurrecting common sense?

Besides, if you're going to re-introduce mammoths anywhere... do it right... do it where there's more room to roam and there's more historical evidence of a large population and a more appropriate climate for them (northern Alaska).
Oh wait, you can't make any money doing that... so what's their motivation again? "Rewilding"?... that's a heap of mammoth shit