Nature Conservancy and the Western Solar Project

Jan 5, 2019
Anybody catch the Nature Conservancy clown on Meateater this week? Highly worth the listen if you are unaware what that group stands for.

Basically a puppet for the current administration. They support the destruction of 20 something million acres of BLM habitat in the name of fighting the climate change boogeyman. We must destroy wildlife and habitat right here on our own soil in the hope that we change the global climate by a fraction of a percent. Make it make sense.

It’s already being floated here in Southern Idaho with public comment periods for “travel management plans”. Basically prepping for the solar outlay by closing travel in big stretches of desert.

I don’t buy the argument that this land is marginal habitat. Some of the places they are prepping to close hold very large herds of pronghorn and mule deer in the winter. And what happened to the whole sage grouse panic? Surely they wouldn’t cover up millions of acres of sage brush with solar panels, right? Right. What a joke.
Anybody catch the Nature Conservancy clown on Meateater this week? Highly worth the listen if you are unaware what that group stands for.

Basically a puppet for the current administration. They support the destruction of 20 something million acres of BLM habitat in the name of fighting the climate change boogeyman. We must destroy wildlife and habitat right here on our own soil in the hope that we change the global climate by a fraction of a percent. Make it make sense.

It’s already being floated here in Southern Idaho with public comment periods for “travel management plans”. Basically prepping for the solar outlay by closing travel in big stretches of desert.

I don’t buy the argument that this land is marginal habitat. Some of the places they are prepping to close hold very large herds of pronghorn and mule deer in the winter. And what happened to the whole sage grouse panic? Surely they wouldn’t cover up millions of acres of sage brush with solar panels, right? Right. What a joke.

I will have to listen to that.

Our community has a fairly significant TNC holding. Local folks worked hard and raised a lot of money to attract their support. Fast forward 15 years or so and they entered secret negotiations to give the land to a neighboring Native Alaskan consortium. They got caught a couple of months ago and are now backpedaling. It’s interesting to hear all the excuses, staff turn over, etc. Many in our community align with their values (tree huggers) but they are pissed now. It is oddly satisfying to watch them eat their own.

Anyway, not a stand up organization.
That’s disappointing. The Nature Conservancy has indeed been a good group in this past. Plenty of liberal ideologies but they have protected plenty of nice acreage here in NC. Much of their land is leased to hunting clubs or enrolled in game lands. And some of those clubs engage in the most taboo pursuit of all - dog hunting for deer! Hopefully the common sense factor within the organization doesn’t get entirely pushed out but it isn’t hard to imagine. And yeah, the vast solar farms on public are obscene.
I'm about halfway through the episode and the guest is a jerkoff. He doesn't give a shit about the American sportsman or the land the solar/wind farms would destroy. He quoted stats that the US contributes 15% of the greenhouse gasses and China contributes 30%. So, we're supposed to rape and pillage our landscape while China continues right on doing what they're doing? Absolute BS.
I'm about halfway through the episode and the guest is a jerkoff. He doesn't give a shit about the American sportsman or the land the solar/wind farms would destroy. He quoted stats that the US contributes 15% of the greenhouse gasses and China contributes 30%. So, we're supposed to rape and pillage our landscape while China continues right on doing what they're doing? Absolute BS.
I noticed something very telling in what he was saying when Steve pushed back on urban areas. Why not start in urban areas and rooftops where there is no wildlife habitat? He kept bringing it back to BLM, how we MUST stop climate change, and giving excuses why urban solar projects are too hard.

It's pretty clear the people behind this stand to make a fortune off of solar development on BLM. Steve even mentioned a personal friend that brought up "generational wealth" from a proposed solar project. Just take a look at the board of directors and exectuive leadership of the Nature Conservancy. It's all financial types, hedge funds, and mega global bankers. They don't give two shits about "Nature" or keeping any of it around.

It's all expected at this point. Only disappointing part of the episode was that the guest forgot his red nose and clown wig.
I noticed something very telling in what he was saying when Steve pushed back on urban areas. Why not start in urban areas and rooftops where there is no wildlife habitat? He kept bringing it back to BLM, how we MUST stop climate change, and giving excuses why urban solar projects are too hard.

It's pretty clear the people behind this stand to make a fortune off of solar development on BLM. Steve even mentioned a personal friend that brought up "generational wealth" from a proposed solar project. Just take a look at the board of directors and exectuive leadership of the Nature Conservancy. It's all financial types, hedge funds, and mega global bankers. They don't give two shits about "Nature" or keeping any of it around.

It's all expected at this point. Only disappointing part of the episode was that the guest forgot his red nose and clown wig.
I honestly think Steve sees right through this guys BS. Spencer asked a question along the lines of "Who pays for this whole thing?" and the guest made the comment. "Well its a win/win". Steve countered and said "Win/win/lose".
I know the western solar project is a hot topic here,, but I’ve worked with the Nature Comservancy in my state and they’re good dudes, ranging from liberal to conservative (though mostly liberal) who do a ton of good for habitat conservation and generally support hunting and fishing on their lands.

I can’t speak for every state’s chapter, of course, but I think it’s possible to be pro-energy development while also being environmentally conscious.

There’s a lot to be worried about in the western solar plan as hunters, but I’d say this dude can be someone I disagree with without being a “clown”
How do you have a name like "Nature Conservancy" and push for industrial developments on the very land you claim to want to "conserve".
These guys took in 1.3 BILLION in FY'22. That much cash tends to come with strings.....
Not to mention they were caught selling carbon credits to corporations ("cough" Blackrock, Disney "cough"). So this guy doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Almost all charities need to be blown up when they get this big.
I know the western solar project is a hot topic here,, but I’ve worked with the Nature Comservancy in my state and they’re good dudes, ranging from liberal to conservative (though mostly liberal) who do a ton of good for habitat conservation and generally support hunting and fishing on their lands.

I can’t speak for every state’s chapter, of course, but I think it’s possible to be pro-energy development while also being environmentally conscious.

There’s a lot to be worried about in the western solar plan as hunters, but I’d say this dude can be someone I disagree with without being a “clown”
Would you prefer "environmentalist stooge" as an accepatable alternative to clown? Explain how this guy can sit there and say that we MUST destroy American public wildlife habitat in order to stop global climate change caused by the rest of the world.

I don't care about your local chapter or any of the "nuance" you have heard from the Nature Conservancy propaganda machine. Answer the above question directly.
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The other thing that got me was his claim they would only use land that had been used for other types of infrastructure, I can't remember the exact term he used (ex. gas and oil rigs). Most gas pads I've been on have been a few acres max and there isn't near the structures on them compared to solar panels,
@Idaho_Potato I’d prefer “clown” over “ environmentalist stooge”, to directly answer your question. I’d prefer “guy I disagree with” over either. I listened to the podcast and thought he brought up good points, but didn’t leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling about the project.

To respond to your statement, I think lot of organizations have found public lands energy production to be a necessary evil for a long time. I’d ask if you are against energy development in general, or only renewable energy development?

I’m concerned by this project but I don’t think it’s some sort of conspiracy, I’m as skeptical of this development as I’d be of fossil fuel developments on the same land, and I also recognize that it will have upsides in terms of energy independence and extending the lifetime of our domestic fossil fuel supply.
@Idaho_Potato I’d prefer “clown” over “ environmentalist stooge”, to directly answer your question. I’d prefer “guy I disagree with” over either. I listened to the podcast and thought he brought up good points, but didn’t leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling about the project.

To respond to your statement, I think lot of organizations have found public lands energy production to be a necessary evil for a long time. I’d ask if you are against energy development in general, or only renewable energy development?

I’m concerned by this project but I don’t think it’s some sort of conspiracy, I’m as skeptical of this development as I’d be of fossil fuel developments on the same land, and I also recognize that it will have upsides in terms of energy independence and extending the lifetime of our domestic fossil fuel supply.
I’m against any type of energy development that removes wildlife habitat. Period.

A single 100 acre site with a nuclear facility would cancel the western solar project. “Renewable energy” conveniently ignores physics when there’s easy money to be made.
The Nature Conservancy has indeed been a good group in this past. Plenty of liberal ideologies but they have protected plenty of nice acreage here in NC.
And Hitler made the trains run on time.

Divide and conquer.
Get those darned 4 wheelers off our hunting area!
Motorcycles? hell no!
Chainsaws? Perish the thought.
Fishing? Catch and release.
Wait, the fish are dying, no fishing.
Hunters? despicable!
Dogs off a leash, NO!
Ecosystem too fragile, stay on paths.
Too many hikers now, limit numbers, make reservations.
Destroying biosphere, area behind sign off limits

Join us with your $$ and we'll help you Enjoy your public land!
A proven winning strategy.
And Hitler made the trains run on time.

Divide and conquer.
Get those darned 4 wheelers off our hunting area!
Motorcycles? hell no!
Chainsaws? Perish the thought.
Fishing? Catch and release.
Wait, the fish are dying, no fishing.
Hunters? despicable!
Dogs off a leash, NO!
Ecosystem too fragile, stay on paths.
Too many hikers now, limit numbers, make reservations.
Destroying biosphere, area behind sign off limits

Join us with your $$ and we'll help you Enjoy your public land!
A proven winning strategy.
It seems you overlooked my use of the word “past” as well as my acknowledgment that the organization may be headed in the wrong direction.
It seems you overlooked my use of the word “past” as well as my acknowledgment that the organization may be headed in the wrong direction.
No, I didn't
Plenty of liberal ideologies but...
They were "headed in the wrong direction" from the start with their liberal ideologies..
They did some good things. At the start. That's how they all start.
@Idaho_Potato 100% agree regarding nuclear power- and it seems like we’re doing that too, with two new reactors coming online in the last year, and the feds giving a loan to restart a closed plant in Michigan as well. idk if that’s enough to offset any older plants that might be closing though. I’d take nuclear over large solar fields any day
I won’t listen to a ME podcast but I bet there was almost zero pushback.

It’s too bad about the TNC. While they do a ton of good work, at the core they are captured by an ideology now. Mandated Vaccines for employees, DEI nonsense, climate change, etc. Now they support destroying habitat in the name of climate change all the while China & India could care less. Solar and wind is not only not going to solve our energy needs but it’s the biggest eye sore and worse for all wildlife and habitat. We need Nuclear.
I won’t listen to a ME podcast but I bet there was almost zero pushback.

It’s too bad about the TNC. While they do a ton of good work, at the core they are captured by an ideology now. Mandated Vaccines for employees, DEI nonsense, climate change, etc. Now they support destroying habitat in the name of climate change all the while China & India could care less. Solar and wind is not only not going to solve our energy needs but it’s the biggest eye sore and worse for all wildlife and habitat. We need Nuclear.
Couldn’t agree more. This whole movement is to line these prick investors pockets all while not even coming close to solving the issue at hand.