Non resident Nevada Mule deer tag questions


Mar 27, 2024
I'm a lifelong CA deer hunter. I'm stuck in the state for the foreseeable future and I'm trying to get my children to hunt. I'm looking for out of state options. I've got 4 points in Nevada but I can't find info on how many points I need to have a realistic chance to get a tag. Where can I find this info? Also, I wanted to get my 12 year old hunting in Nevada. Where do I find the odds for youth hunters getting tags in Nevada?
You will never know in Nevada how many guarantee you a’s extremely difficult to draw as a nonresident..some people get lucky and draw fairly quickly and others never draw. I’m one who’s never drawn a deer tag..
Expensive state to apply in..pretty dismal odds even with quite a few preference points.

Usually quality hunts when you do draw..Nevada seems to prioritize quality experiences over opportunity.

Lots of other states you can “plan” when you will draw..just start researching state by state
I'm a lifelong CA deer hunter. I'm stuck in the state for the foreseeable future and I'm trying to get my children to hunt. I'm looking for out of state options. I've got 4 points in Nevada but I can't find info on how many points I need to have a realistic chance to get a tag. Where can I find this info? Also, I wanted to get my 12 year old hunting in Nevada. Where do I find the odds for youth hunters getting tags in Nevada?
Short of building a model you will never know what the draw odds are in Nevada. The information they publish on the NDOW website provides ideas and some insight but is is NOT your draw odds. But it can be used to find less popular areas which should be easier to draw.
GoHunt provides state specific rules and regulations, draw odds and species information (same as what you'll find on the NDOW website) but they simplify the process......... $150 annually but imo it's worth it to be able to research multiple states and have access to their mapping etc. If you have OnX Hunt they also offer research tools that are similar to GoHunts.

I was drawn for an archery tag with no points in 2019, Nevada is a bonus point state with random draw and they'll go through all 5 of your choices before moving onto the next application. I purchase a combo license and apply for my son and I every year, we fish the Truckee from California into Nevada so the license gets used regardless.
NM used to have some real good youth opportunities, no points, no license to buy just to play. My boys are grown, but we had some great youth hunts there a few years back, worth a look. Deadline has passed for this season, so more of a next year possibility.
I'm a fellow CA resident that hunts in state and out of state. Go Hunt has been great to use for researching different hunts in different states along with analyzing your odds for each hunt based on your point totals. It helped me get a tag in CO last year in a unit that I never would have applied for because there really wasn't any word out there on that unit. It was a great muley hunt for the point total I had and I tagged a respectable buck on a fun hunt.
As far as Nevada goes it is an always apply state for me since it borders CA. If you draw a tag it makes it easier to scout and easier to hunt when thinking about logistics. With Nevada the odds you see in their hunt planner or in Go Hunt are just guides since you are never guaranteed a tag in their draw. Good if you have low point totals, tough if you have a ton. My daughter drew an antelope tag in a good unit in NV last year with only less than 1% odds as her first choice. In her case the NV draw worked in her favor with only a few points. Easy drive, close to scout and she bagged a really nice antelope on her first goat hunt.
There are no dedicated youth draws in NV for non-residents, they are part of the adult group. But you can start applying for your kids and getting points as young as 11 as long as they turn 12 prior to the close of the season they are applying for. Also the great thing is that applying as a youth, even as a non-resident, is super cheap, and well worth the price. Think it's only $15. I gave in a long time ago and figured that if I want to hunt with my kids before I'm too old to do so in a way that I like, I need to pay for them to apply and accrue points. Well worth it.

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One thing that you can do to increase your odds are enter the Nevada Mule deer guide draw earlier in the year. I don’t know if that is an option for you but your drawing odds increase substantially if applying with an outfitter. The deadline is past for 2024 but next year would be possible.
junior hunts in California are crazy good hunts - I can go out any given day after the season and find some pretty nice deer in a D zone…

To answer the post :
If you have OnX you can log into top rut and get the draw odds for NV.
If you have GoHunt you can do the same - GOHUNT is more realistic and they seem like they have better data.
Lots of good info, thanks guys. I understand the system, and there is never a guarantee, but with 15 points I have a lot of chances. Guide draw does not apply for archery, so that doesn’t help me at all. Based on feedback, I’m not considering 131 any more
I'm a lifelong CA deer hunter. I'm stuck in the state for the foreseeable future and I'm trying to get my children to hunt. I'm looking for out of state options. I've got 4 points in Nevada but I can't find info on how many points I need to have a realistic chance to get a tag. Where can I find this info? Also, I wanted to get my 12 year old hunting in Nevada. Where do I find the odds for youth hunters getting tags in Nevada?
Check out the drawing odds. Also the owner Jon Crump has some great ideas if you want to ever pick up the phone and call.
I'm a 76 y/o Native Nevadan and have not drawn a tag for the last five years. I have 20+ Nelson sheep points, 19 CA variety Bighorn sheep, 8 antelope points, and have not drawn Any resident tag for years. Las Vegas with all the new population from CA and NY is gobbling up all the big game opportunity for long time residents. Nobody in the extended family drew any sort of tag last season, all native Nevadans.
It depends on the tag. Lots of places to find out. Top rut is free with OnX and has odds. With 4 points there are a lot of tags you have good odds of drawing. It really just depends on how bad you want to hunt.

If a person just wants a tag with a chance at a good deer then several archery tags can be drawn with 3-4 point with high odds.

Some other states that also touch CA you can hunt deer in every year with a bow or even black tail every year with a rifle.
I'm a 76 y/o Native Nevadan and have not drawn a tag for the last five years. I have 20+ Nelson sheep points, 19 CA variety Bighorn sheep, 8 antelope points, and have not drawn Any resident tag for years. Las Vegas with all the new population from CA and NY is gobbling up all the big game opportunity for long time residents. Nobody in the extended family drew any sort of tag last season, all native Nevadans.
Oh yea, it's the Californians in the random draw state............
California East residents are getting corked left and right..
my NV buddies are pissed but that’s what happens when you see 200%+ growth in your state.
Plus they’re all rich from the 200% growth so no tears. They just cant draw in their state.

I like the idea of getting rid of NR in western states and keeping hunting local To state residents who have live there minimum 3 years.

( with a few covenants for youth and disabled hunters + a random lottery draw ).

That said…

Hunt in CA . It’s got 2 buck tags+ bear. Theres 150”+ mule deer on public that is in some of the most beautiful wilderness in America. Maybe nothing special if you hunt a premium zone that costs big bucks in WY or NV or NM.

But you can get two bucks and get a
Big colorphase in amazing zones for $250
in OTC tags plus your time.