Pressure Washer Euro Help

Jun 17, 2016
Need a PW. I'm going to try and do my own Euro.
What PSI pressure washer do ya'll recommended?
AND what degree nozzle is best?

I don't want to overdo it and damage the skull.

Feb 25, 2012
Does it matter? Can’t you just hold the nozzle further away if it’s super high psi? And every pressure washer I shopped had multiple nozzles. I would start with the highest degree nozzle and get tighter and tighter until it cleans the skull.


Feb 27, 2019
When you boil the head add washing soda into the water. Not baking soda because it is different. Once the head is at a rolling boil I will start checking it after 15-20 min. The meat and fat will start turning into jelly. Once it's in the jelly state it will be easy to pressure wash. You may need repeat the process two or three times.

I try not to leave it in the pot too long. If you boil the head too long some of the smaller bones and teeth will fall out. Super glue can fix that.

As you remove the meat you will see where the ear canal goes into the brain. There is a bone that you can break/remove to make the ear canal hole bigger. I use a phillips screwdriver. The hole will become the size of a nickel or quarter. Once you have that hole open you can use the pressure washer to shoot the brains out the back of the head. Use long forceps or needle nose pliers to pull the sack that holds the brain that will still be in the skull.

This is the only method I have found that I can still keep most of the nasal cavity intact. I use long forceps or needle nose pliers to pull out the meat in the nasal cavity.

I use peroxide to bleach the skull. Put a small trash bag around a shoe box or similar size cardboard box or plastic tote. Fill with peroxide but make sure the pedicle of the skull is not touching the peroxide. Use paper towels to drape around the portion of skull that is not in the peroxide. Pore peroxide on the paper towels. In about 8hrs it will be ready.


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Oct 14, 2017
Get an electric one...Home Depot models works well... I think mine is a 2000psi, came with two nozzles. Start far away and gradually work closer. You'll see how it removes the cartilage, etc..


Jun 27, 2021
I've never used a pressure washer, just a spray nozzle on a garden hose.
Seems to work fine.
I probably take a little longer than most people, just simmering and picking
away the fat, meat.


Dec 10, 2019
Find a way to suspend the skull so the nasal bones are off the ground so they don’t break. I would also stay away from the nasal area with the sprayer unless you want everything pulverized.
Jun 17, 2016
All great responses.

I have never used a pw.

BUT...I'm hunting in an area with CWD and the only way to leave the unit with my skull/antler is to clean on site. Baptism by fire. I don't want to damage the skull. I'll look for 2000 PSI pw and as others have said spray further away and move closer as needed.

I like the idea of the adjustable pressure regulator.

When you boil the head add washing soda into the water. Not baking soda because it is different. Once the head is at a rolling boil I will start checking it after 15-20 min. The meat and fat will start turning into jelly. Once it's in the jelly state it will be easy to pressure wash. You may need repeat the process two or three times.

I try not to leave it in the pot too long. If you boil the head too long some of the smaller bones and teeth will fall out. Super glue can fix that.

As you remove the meat you will see where the ear canal goes into the brain. There is a bone that you can break/remove to make the ear canal hole bigger. I use a phillips screwdriver. The hole will become the size of a nickel or quarter. Once you have that hole open you can use the pressure washer to shoot the brains out the back of the head. Use long forceps or needle nose pliers to pull the sack that holds the brain that will still be in the skull.

This is the only method I have found that I can still keep most of the nasal cavity intact. I use long forceps or needle nose pliers to pull out the meat in the nasal cavity.

I use peroxide to bleach the skull. Put a small trash bag around a shoe box or similar size cardboard box or plastic tote. Fill with peroxide but make sure the pedicle of the skull is not touching the peroxide. Use paper towels to drape around the portion of skull that is not in the peroxide. Pore peroxide on the paper towels. In about 8hrs it will be ready.
Excellent detailed response.. Thank you!


Feb 27, 2019
If your in a CWD area

Cape the head.
Remove lower jaw.
Two inches behind the pedicel cut the skull with a bone or wood saw.
Scoop brains out with stick

I believe you would be complaint and you can clean the rest when you get home. However, I am curious if others think this would not be adequate.


Jun 12, 2019
If your in a CWD area

Cape the head.
Remove lower jaw.
Two inches behind the pedicel cut the skull with a bone or wood saw.
Scoop brains out with stick

I believe you would be complaint and you can clean the rest when you get home. However, I am curious if others think this would not be adequate.
Depends on how picky the CO is....ANY amount of brain matter or the membrane around the brain would count also. If I have to I use a spade bit on a drill to just back the spinal hole in the back bigger. Scoop out as much as I can then bring it to a self spray car wash (rain suit and goggles recommended). Most the times I just bring a 20lb propane tank and turkey fryer/pot and get it 90% done before I leave. If you clean it good enough before boiling/simmering you'll have it transportable in an hour tops.
Jun 17, 2016
Picked up a 1900 psi pw. Tried it on the backyard patio. Looks better than it has in years. Will also use for windows, cars, etc. I don't have a need for a super high PSI pw o/w.

List to clean skull in field due to CWD: pw, siphon hose, electrical cord for inverter/pw, buckets for water, pillow to filter river water, screwdriver for ear bones, drill for scrambler, galvanized pot, dawn dish soap to bind fat/oils when boiling, might also add Oxiclean, cheap rain gear or something to protect clothing when using the pw, shovel to bury the water/byproduct, plastic wrap and electrical tape to protect antlers but if I'm not whitening I don't think I need this??, propane and single burner outdoor stove, arrow or stick to keep antlers out of the boiling water, 8" hemostats to remove nasal cavity meat/etc., hair tie for nasal bones if needed.

Anything else ya'll can think of that I missed let me know.

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Aug 11, 2018
Rather than buying a PW-I’ve done quite a few taking the boiled skull to the car wash and using their facility. They usually have good power and cleanup is nothing but driving away.
Jun 17, 2016
Rather than buying a PW-I’ve done quite a few taking the boiled skull to the car wash and using their facility. They usually have good power and cleanup is nothing but driving away.
Good thought but where I'm at there are no carwashes and I can't take the head out of the unit.