Rei now


Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
Not at all.... if that were the case our Commander in Chief could say what he does and end it with the same phrase.... do you think the American public would then sympathize and say "well he was just relaying his views from a personal standpoint?" Do you think other countries listen to his rhetoric and understand he's not representing the US, just portraying personal views? Doubtful....

Why do you think when TV Sportsmen get caught poaching or in some other illegal activity, the rest of us are so quick to distance ourselves from them.... guilt by association.

When you cross the Mason-Dixon you can literally say the most horrendous, ridiculous, false, insulting, accusatory, whatever about someone and as long as you end it with "Bless their heart" it's seemingly okay..... right?

Look at how many teachers, police officers, etc... have been discharged for posts they made on their own private facebook accounts, on their own time. Sure they have freedom of speech and therefore can't/wont be legally prosecuted, but you still have accountability to represent yourself in a respectable manner. You owe it to whomever you're representing, be it an employer, special interest group, etc... in this case BHA. Coming online to a public forum and spouting off accusations that are completely inaccurate isn't wise... Choosing to conduct yourself in an unprofessional manner isn't without consequence.

I have no problem with him thinking these things, I don't even have an issue with him claiming them no matter how bogus they are.... where I do start to get irritated is when he represents an organization that I belong to and respect. If those are BHA's views then fine, I'll take my business elsewhere with no hard feelings. If they're just his then BHA should put a leash on their hound so as not to create divisiveness amongst members.
So you're comparing the president of the USA to a BHA volunteer?

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Oct 28, 2014
Not at all.... if that were the case our Commander in Chief could say what he does and end it with the same phrase.... do you think the American public would then sympathize and say "well he was just relaying his views from a personal standpoint?" Do you think other countries listen to his rhetoric and understand he's not representing the US, just portraying personal views? Doubtful....

Why do you think when TV Sportsmen get caught poaching or in some other illegal activity, the rest of us are so quick to distance ourselves from them.... guilt by association.

When you cross the Mason-Dixon you can literally say the most horrendous, ridiculous, false, insulting, accusatory, whatever about someone and as long as you end it with "Bless their heart" it's seemingly okay..... right?

Look at how many teachers, police officers, etc... have been discharged for posts they made on their own private facebook accounts, on their own time. Sure they have freedom of speech and therefore can't/wont be legally prosecuted, but you still have accountability to represent yourself in a respectable manner. You owe it to whomever you're representing, be it an employer, special interest group, etc... in this case BHA. Coming online to a public forum and spouting off accusations that are completely inaccurate isn't wise... Choosing to conduct yourself in an unprofessional manner isn't without consequence.

I have no problem with him thinking these things, I don't even have an issue with him claiming them no matter how bogus they are.... where I do start to get irritated is when he represents an organization that I belong to and respect. If those are BHA's views then fine, I'll take my business elsewhere with no hard feelings. If they're just his then BHA should put a leash on their hound so as not to create divisiveness amongst members.

If that the case then we can go find 1000’s of Asinine and indicting posts by self proclaimed NRA members, or any other membership base organization for that matter and we can indict the whole organization. I call bullshit on this idea.
Sep 23, 2016
If that the case then we can go find 1000’s of Asinine and indicting posts by self proclaimed NRA members, or any other membership base organization for that matter and we can indict the whole organization. I call bullshit on this idea.

Perfect... then don't join.... that's been my point the entire time. Love them or hate them.... the NRA, once you get past their common members, actually has a fairly black and white representation of ideologies beginning with local chapters on up through Cox and LaPierre.

Meanwhile I'm very much rethinking my membership to BHA because of the actions of one....


Feb 24, 2012
are you saying that a BHA board member shouldn't be held accountable for actions and speech just because they may be a volunteer?

I don’t believe he is on the board, he’s part of a local or state chapter. Being the chairman of the Kansas City RMEF for a number of years these positions are just fundraising volunteer positions. I think you are giving him more power within an org then he has.

While I don’t agree with him I do respect that he has volunteered his time to further something other then himself, which is more then most can say that only have opinions and may be part of an org or just talk the talk yet never lift a finger to do anything about it. He is entitled to his individual opinion same as you and I.


Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
are you saying that a BHA board member shouldn't be held accountable for actions and speech just because they may be a volunteer?
To a certain degree that's exactly what I'm saying.

If you're a police officer and you get a DUI... You'll likely be fired. If you're a teacher and you get a DUI, or drink at school, you'll likely be fired.

The BHA has events called pint nights... Where everyone is drinking. If someone got a DUI I don't think they would refund your membership and say they don't want you as a member.

A volunteer for a non profit... Who maybe spends a couple hours a month of his own time, with no compensation for said time, is not held under the same strict standards as a police officer, teacher, or the president of the USA.

So when he states, "I fully support the 2nd amendment just not a fan of the NRA" and "I'm speaking for myself on this issues and on this site" and the translation from a few of you is that those statements mean he is "anti-gun" and the BHA is "anti-gun" then that is complete nonsense.

I'll admit, a couple of his posts are very contradicting... But that does not mean that that statements he made like the one I listed above can be turned into something they're not.

Direct me to the post where he says "I'm anti gun"... If he didn't say that... Then your logic of "the BHA is also anti-gun" is completely false... I expect that type of falsification from mainstream media, not rokslide members.

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Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
I don’t believe he is on the board, he’s part of a local or state chapter. Being the chairman of the Kansas City RMEF for a number of years these positions are just fundraising volunteer positions. I think you are giving him more power within an org then he has.

While I don’t agree with him I do respect that he has volunteered his time to further something other then himself, which is more then most can say that only have opinions and may be part of an org or just talk the talk yet never lift a finger to do anything about it. He is entitled to his individual opinion same as you and I.
Could not have said it better myself... Even though I tried multiple times.

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Oct 28, 2014
Perfect... then don't join.... that's been my point the entire time. Love them or hate them.... the NRA, once you get past their common members, actually has a fairly black and white representation of ideologies beginning with local chapters on up through Cox and LaPierre.

Meanwhile I'm very much rethinking my membership to BHA because of the actions of one....

So I should rethink my NRA membership every time a member or representative says something I don’t agree with? Any chance I can get my 1500 back?

This i am taking my toys and going home shit is totally juvenile. People have different options and we all don’t walk in lock step. If you take that as someone intentionally pissing in your Cheerios then you for a rude awaking in life.
Apr 1, 2013
Well atleast no one is trying to defend REI any more.

It’s Ironic that REI brags about all the conservative yet they are anti-Pittman-Robertson with no insight on a replacement from their so called conservation minded members...
Sep 23, 2016
So I should rethink my NRA membership every time a member or representative says something I don’t agree with? Any chance I can get my 1500 back?

This i am taking my toys and going home shit is totally juvenile. People have different options and we all don’t walk in lock step. If you take that as someone intentionally pissing in your Cheerios then you for a rude awaking in life.

That's fine, typically I think the use of profanity is one of the most immature juvenile indicators one can make so I guess we can agree to disagree...

along the same lines the fact that after 1 string of belligerent posts over the span of one night and he hasn't been back on since to defend his stance also leads me to believe that even he can comprehend this concept and made a stupid but honest mistake, which we're all very prone too.

And to answer your first question absolutely if you don't agree with them.
Mar 30, 2018
North Eastern Oregon
I don't shop at REI much anyway but keep in mind y'all that they do a lot to fight for the protection of public lands as well. As the public screams for something to be done regarding gun violence we will see many more businesses take a stand one way or the other. None of these political ploys are likely to have any impact on our ability to keep weapons at our home, but the threat of losing public lands is much more real and is happening on a daily basis. And I'll go on record saying that I really don't care how accessible land is if it's covered in cows or mining operations.

Sep 23, 2016
To a certain degree that's exactly what I'm saying.

If you're a police officer and you get a DUI... You'll likely be fired. If you're a teacher and you get a DUI, or drink at school, you'll likely be fired.

The BHA has events called pint nights... Where everyone is drinking. If someone got a DUI I don't think they would refund your membership and say they don't want you as a member.

A volunteer for a non profit... Who maybe spends a couple hours a month of his own time, with no compensation for said time, is not held under the same strict standards as a police officer, teacher, or the president of the USA.

So when he states, "I fully support the 2nd amendment just not a fan of the NRA" and "I'm speaking for myself on this issues and on this site" and the translation from a few of you is that those statements mean he is "anti-gun" and the BHA is "anti-gun" then that is complete nonsense.

I'll admit, a couple of his posts are very contradicting... But that does not mean that that statements he made like the one I listed above can be turned into something they're not.

Direct me to the post where he says "I'm anti gun"... If he didn't say that... Then your logic of "the BHA is also anti-gun" is completely false... I expect that type of falsification from mainstream media, not rokslide members.

Well a DUI is a criminal (in most cases) 4th degree misdameanor so that carries a little more clout than just slander and really is an apples to oranges comparrison. A more appropriate comparison would be the police officer that gets fired for racist comments on his privately held facebook account (which has happened multiple times across the country in the last 5 years). He didn't commit a crime, excercising freedom of speech and all but a department is still able to discharge even though it happened on his own time, on his own account....

At the end of the day I never said Buzz was anti gun and obviously never said BHA was anti gun, as they give firearms away with life membership. I was on the fence about renewing my BHA account but when a board member, no matter how petty it seems (the BHA is still relatively small from a general non-profit standpoint) comes on and slanders another organization in clear support of hunters and gun rights both with false accusations and rhetoric, I atleast know where I won't place my time and money. If the BHA doesn't want to address this... that's their prerogative and I could really care less. I'll redirect my efforts elsewhere....


Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
Well a DUI is a criminal (in most cases) 4th degree misdameanor so that carries a little more clout than just slander and really is an apples to oranges comparrison. A more appropriate comparison would be the police officer that gets fired for racist comments on his privately held facebook account (which has happened multiple times across the country in the last 5 years). He didn't commit a crime, excercising freedom of speech and all but a department is still able to discharge even though it happened on his own time, on his own account....

At the end of the day I never said Buzz was anti gun and obviously never said BHA was anti gun, as they give firearms away with life membership. I was on the fence about renewing my BHA account but when a board member, no matter how petty it seems (the BHA is still relatively small from a general non-profit standpoint) comes on and slanders another organization in clear support of hunters and gun rights both with false accusations and rhetoric, I atleast know where I won't place my time and money. If the BHA doesn't want to address this... that's their prerogative and I could really care less. I'll redirect my efforts elsewhere....
So you're comparing racist comments by a civil or national servant with a constitutional role within the government, whose salary is paid by the tax payers dollar, and whose mission is to protect and serve all citizens, to a BHA volunteer who is paying membership dues to a non profit organization and donating his time, but made some comments about another advocacy group that you find disagreeable?

Could you direct me to and quote the factual discrepancy from Buzz that you are referring too?

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Apr 1, 2013
I don't shop at REI much anyway but keep in mind y'all that they do a lot to fight for the protection of public lands as well. As the public screams for something to be done regarding gun violence we will see many more businesses take a stand one way or the other. None of these political ploys are likely to have any impact on our ability to keep weapons at our home, but the threat of losing public lands is much more real and is happening on a daily basis. And I'll go on record saying that I really don't care how accessible land is if it's covered in cows or mining operations.


No they don’t great marketing scam ever, when compared to vista and the gun and archery industry

Vista and REI are virtually same revenue size. REI didn’t even donate a percentage point of revenue to conservation. What they did donate went to their Partner programs which are? NFF(capped at a million) and?

It’s funny how they blasted Vista who wrote a check last year for 89million dollars that went to real science based conservation with real oversight, yet they don’t even come close to same type of conservation funding nor make any effort too.


Oct 28, 2014
No they don’t great marketing scam ever, when compared to vista and the gun and archery industry

Vista and REI are virtually same revenue size. REI didn’t even donate a percentage point of revenue to conservation. What they did donate went to their Partner programs which are? NFF(capped at a million) and?

It’s funny how they blasted Vista who wrote a check last year for 89million dollars that went to real science based conservation with real oversight, yet they don’t even come close to same type of conservation funding nor make any effort too.
was that 89 millon compulsory or was it PR funds?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
PR are compulsory; WE pay those taxes, not the manufacturer- it’s an excise TAX

the manufacturer simply collects the excise tax and turns it over to the US, the US doles it out to the states

pretty hard to call that a donation


Oct 28, 2014
PR, I didn’t count the other programs the have such as pheasant forever royalty programs, etc

Vista is the single largest PR contributor

Then why make a invalid comparison? Why not just have a discussion on the issue based on its own merits with the correct information. Isn’t it better to recruit confederates based on facts rather than spin?
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