Rei now


Aug 24, 2015
Washington State
How are you guy’s canceling your membership? By calling the store or calling the corporate office or something? I’m gonna cancel mine too. Probably won’t bother writing a letter or something else that will just go in the trash. Just want to cancel & let them know why, fwiw...

I called 1-800-426-4840 and I think it was option 4 for 'account services' or something like that. Make sure and let the folks know what you are doing and why and also email them at [email protected].


Apr 19, 2013
How are you guy’s canceling your membership? By calling the store or calling the corporate office or something? I’m gonna cancel mine too. Probably won’t bother writing a letter or something else that will just go in the trash. Just want to cancel & let them know why, fwiw...

I just went onto their web page and went to email us at bottom of page and used drop down menu for membership. Membership was linked to my email. Received notification that membership was cancelled. I know the gesture is pretty minor but made me feel better.


Aug 24, 2015
Washington State
There's a couple of other posts here at rokslide talking about REI. Apparently, MTBR's are really not happy with REI's decision either, for different reasons I'm sure, but sounds like they are really giving REI a bad time. Gotta let 'em know.
Dec 17, 2017
N Idaho
Thanks for a productive post that supports the point I am making.

I would wager more people are frustrated with in-action above anything else. Guns because an easy target when everyone is mad about politicians copping out with statements like the one you just made.

You are right, we can'e legislate against crazy but we can provide a bigger, more responsive mental health support system in this country.

The problem with your statement as i see it is that responsibility for mental health issues and subsequent "falling through the cracks", and "ball completely dropped " situations like this last one, is the liberal knee jerk reaction that the NRA is being an obstructionist. When a drunk driver kills someone, no one is screaming about cars or banning them. If AAA was to stand up for drivers rights in this event, would they be villified? No, because crazy and or stupid will happen and if you already have laws on the books to prevent these things, more legislation wont help. The root of this attitude is driven by the overt desire of many in places of power to remove the right to bear arms from our society. The message is carried over and over by the media and the easily influenced and those who lack the ability to connect dots jump on board. If obstructing those with a clear political agenda to disarm us (no matter the facts), is what makes the masses hate the NRA, well then i guess thats why i never trusted the group mentality anyways.


Aug 25, 2015
Check out the REI facebook, lots are angry at REI. Say something there if you want. : )


Feb 24, 2012
I just emailed them to cancel my membership and provided my number, also unsubscribed from their emails.


Jan 6, 2016
I see they are still selling arcteryx, I figured that would be one of the biggest 2nd amendments supporters in their inventory, I know they cater to a lot of hikers climbers and such but also Law enforcement and armed forces , I guess that on the right side of the fence for them ???? Idk
Aug 26, 2014
People are obviously making a big deal out of REI's statement and action, but REI doesn't even directly target hunters with their merchandise and marketing. After many, many years of membership I can't recall one sale or one ad campaign referencing hunters. I think that should be telling us we're not their core audience.

More interesting to me: Companies which DO directly sell to hunters and purposely market to LL Bean, Dicks, Field & Stream, Walmart, Fred Meyer and maybe some others....have flipped in the direction of instituting their own corporate gun sales/control policies. That is a WAY bigger story than REI.
Cant hit em
Jul 28, 2014
People are obviously making a big deal out of REI's statement and action, but REI doesn't even directly target hunters with their merchandise and marketing. After many, many years of membership I can't recall one sale or one ad campaign referencing hunters. I think that should be telling us we're not their core audience.

More interesting to me: Companies which DO directly sell to hunters and purposely market to LL Bean, Dicks, Field & Stream, Walmart, Fred Meyer and maybe some others....have flipped in the direction of instituting their own corporate gun sales/control policies. That is a WAY bigger story than REI.

I think REI has mostly stayed neutral and probably best thats were they stay , Hunters /fisherman use a lot of the same products as hikers/campers. Distinguishing themselves as anti gun just segregates customers.

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Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
It really doesn't matter if L.L.Bean, Field & Stream and Wal Mart stop selling to hunters and shooters. There will be plenty of other companies happy to take their sales. Even If Bass Pro and Cabelas follow along it won't matter. It may turn out to be a good thing for the hunting community.

Mass marketing has taken the "relationship" of seller to buyer out of the transaction. The guy at the counter at these big box stores has no skin in the game to want to make the buyer feel appreciated. Have you ever taken a number at a Cabelas gun counter and had the distinct impression that you were a annoyance just being there? Small companies need a satisfied customer to assure referral and return buyers. Personally, I want to know my money is going to an outfit that cares if I exist and promotes my sport, not one that finds fault with the vast majority of law abiding everyday customers and penalizes them for their own agenda.

Take for instance Kifaru or Sitka or First Lite or any specialty company so revered here that people can't wait for there next introduction. All these small companies want you to be extremely happy so you will continue to tout their products. They hunt and fish and hike and photograph just like we do, probably more than us. They have relationships with their customers that REI or Bass Pro or the new management at L.L.Bean think is unimportant. They are too big to worry about that, they rely on marketing and price.

These anti gun businesses are basing their positions on percentages. Patagonia, REI and the like think it a wise decision to go with the emotion of the gun control noise They are appealing to those who believe that will solve the problem. Brick and mortar stores are already on the edge of survival and the loss of any customer may be enough for them to close up. So their strategy is unwise and ill-advised and will hurt their bottom line. When companies enter politics, they automatically alienate a portion of the customer base.

So a return to small specialty stores would be a good thing in my eyes. Spend your money with those companies that share your beliefs, because that is what these big companies are telling you who they are going to cater to, and it's not you.


Feb 1, 2014
BTW, guys, I got an email today from the NRA. I've been thinking of upgrading my Endowment Membership to Patron Life, the 'top' membership level, but it was a $1500 jump! Email came and I could do it for $300. Did it and signed up my wife as a member. They need members, guys. Sign people up.

The NRA is the largest and oldest civil rights groups there is. And, I would venture to say that many of us would not be using firearms as we do if it were not for them. Certainly not a perfect organiztion, but just about the only floating ship with common sense (very little of this left in this country) firepower against an armada of liberal press and 'educators'.

Help yourself by helping them.

The founders, clearly much more than many in this country understand, understood tyranny. They'd just lived through it and liberated themselves from it at an incredibly high cost of lives lost and then they created the 2nd Ammendment as as a safeguard against governmental tyranny in the future. It is our civic duty to support the 2nd and those that don't live in a fairly land and ignore history.
Considering the false statements in your first post, I wouldn't come down too hard on anyone else. You were close on AR being an abbreviation for Armalite. AR= Armalite Rifle. Machine guns aren't illegal, they are perfectly legal to own if you have a lot of disposable income and go through the 6 month to 1 year process to transfer one, along with the tax stamps and signing of on the local sheriff being able to inspect your premises at any time. True, the military has automatic weapons, but the term "assault" doesn't describe any weapon, but an action. It's a made up term by the liberal media. If you want to preach to others, look in the mirror first.

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Feb 1, 2014
I see they are still selling arcteryx, I figured that would be one of the biggest 2nd amendments supporters in their inventory, I know they cater to a lot of hikers climbers and such but also Law enforcement and armed forces , I guess that on the right side of the fence for them ???? Idk
Arcteryx takes a neutral stance, and I bet 99% of REI customers don't realize they sell to military and LE

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Aug 24, 2015
Washington State
Considering the false statements in your first post, I wouldn't come down too hard on anyone else. You were close on AR being an abbreviation for Armalite. AR= Armalite Rifle. Machine guns aren't illegal, they are perfectly legal to own if you have a lot of disposable income and go through the 6 month to 1 year process to transfer one, along with the tax stamps and signing of on the local sheriff being able to inspect your premises at any time. True, the military has automatic weapons, but the term "assault" doesn't describe any weapon, but an action. It's a made up term by the liberal media. If you want to preach to others, look in the mirror first.

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Thank you for the corrections. Makes us all better. I should've been more careful with my statements. I think I described the 'assault' issue similarly to what you said here and a made up term. Armalite...yeah, should've said Armalite Rifle. I'd forgotten about how the machine gun procurement process and should've stated that more carefully. Point is they are very restricted and many in the press are using the term erroneously to apply to any AR, it appears, along with using the term assault rifle or assault weapon completely erroneosly. Like I said, it's a false term with no real meaning.
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Nov 5, 2015

Thank you for the corrections. Makes us all better. I should've been more careful with my statements. I think I described the 'assault' issue similarly to what you said here and a made up term. Armalite...yeah, should've said Armalite Rifle. I'd forgotten about how the machine gun procurement process and should've stated that more carefully. Point is they are very restricted and many in the press are using the term erroneously to apply to any AR, it appears, along with using the term assault rifle or assault weapon completely erroneosly. Like I said, it's a false term with no real meaning.
Great follow up. We all need to stick together on this issue.

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Oct 28, 2014
Basicly Karen at REI said ....oh well so long, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Honestly I really didn’t care one way or another about the REI position, until I read their statement.
Basically they are saying get on board with our platitudes or else. Well I chose or else. REI can go shit in their hats. Pardon my French.
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