simple strength training advise needed


Apr 3, 2014
I am in need to start training but as a new guy I really don't know what will get me the best results. I have no way to do the gym membership and being a divorced dad with 2 kids time is short as well. don't have any free weights of any kind yet and don't really know what to get.
what would be some good workouts I can do in the evenings to start my training at home
Jul 19, 2012
Great Falls, MT
honestly, for a goofy and cliche as it is, p90X and insanity (and the more recent permutations) are pretty good work outs. Easy to do at home, not much equipment needed, and really work if you dedicate to them.

Currently I crossfit about 5 days a week... But with time, money, and kids to worry about, some of the at home stuff can be very very good,



Feb 27, 2012
Western Kentucky
Get some sand bags that you can toss around and change the weight on. You can also throw them in your pack for some heavy pack training to prepare you to haul meat.


Sep 2, 2013
You may look into the free Mountain Athlete App by North Face. They are workout based off of Rob Shaul's website. There are a bunch of workouts to choose from and walk you through each one. I was doing the backcountry skiing workout and all it required was one set of 25lb dumbbells.

I would also recommend Starting Strength, but you would need more equipment.


Oct 14, 2014
Bodyweight! Pushups, pullups, situps, dips, crunches, etc. You just need to do them and if you feel the need, I'm sure there are online workout regemins involving the same.
Jun 10, 2015
check out athlean-x xero. i been on that training program since april and it has turned my life around. all bodyweight workout routines that will kick your a$$. the stronger you get the more intense it gets. workouts range from 20-40ish minutes 5 days a week. it's progressive with weekly challenges that will seriously get you in shape. has both strength and burst(conditioning) training. one time fee and you have it for life. also comes with "Xtinction abs" serious ab/core workout, and 6-pack ab promise routines that are 5-7min in length you can add to any days you want anytime of the day.
Apr 3, 2013
Somewhere between here and there
Yep, you can do a lot with bodyweight. Look up Fitness Blender, they have all sorts of workouts. Here is an example of one that you could do:

20 pushups
20 burpees
60 second wall sit
60 second ski jump
60 second plank
60 second lunges

Take a 60 second break and repeat 2x for a total of three sets.

Scot E

Aug 12, 2013
If you like video training go p90 x or their 30 minute routines ,can't remember the name. They are brutally good!

If you want a machine the total gym is excellent. Still have their original model. I see them for cheap on Craigslist and eBay if you watch. You can get A very good upper body workout quickly with it which sounds important for your situation.
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Aug 10, 2015
In all honesty, you will probably get better results by going to a gym. This time of year, it's common to find cheap promo memberships at commercial chain gyms and possibly even discounted personal trainer sessions. The obligation to go will likely put you into the routine better than trying to do it at home when starting from doing nothing of the sort.

You would be surprised how many people "don't have the time" or "can't afford it" but still manage to do so.

My other suggestion would be to browse once in awhile. A lot of it will be more technical than what you're after but even after almost 15 years of fitness, I find that reading about it keeps my motivation up when it begins to fade.

Pass the Rumchata... it's Sunday after T-day.


Jul 17, 2014
Id advise the same. Look for a cheap introductory membership. I really struggle with the "at home" workout because there is so much else you can do at home besides workout. Once i get to the gym its all good, but if I try to workout at home I usually end up cleaning guns, shooting my bow or online.


Jan 21, 2015
Id advise the same. Look for a cheap introductory membership. I really struggle with the "at home" workout because there is so much else you can do at home besides workout. Once i get to the gym its all good, but if I try to workout at home I usually end up cleaning guns, shooting my bow or online.
It's interesting how everyone has different preferences. I hate the gym and would much rather workout from home. Plus it saves the time driving to and from the gym. I'll admit I would probably be a bit more toned in my upper body if I went to the gym rather than just pushups, planks, etc. at home but my legs get a great workout with cardio running, lunges, burpees, grapevines, etc. I'd much rather do the bulk of my workout outdoors than in a gym, even during a snowstorm like my run yesterday. Find and do whatever works for you, it's going to be a bit different for everyone.


Sep 19, 2013
A fix back east
I'm sitting here a little more pudgy than I was just six months ago (partly because I haven't stopped eating like I was at camp and burning 10k calories a day and partly because I like food and beer). I remember when I was just out of the military and working a part time job while going to school full time. I still worked out every day. I'd fit in a workout at the college gym between classes or after work at 9:30pm while the gym attendants were shutting things down. I wish I had that motivation again. Some of it is just momentum. Home after work, feed the dog/kids, sweatpants, dinner, and on the couch watching TV (I didn't have cable back then - maybe I should cancel that again).

I've tried working out at a home and besides running and walking the dog, I can't maintain a routine for more than a day or two - something else always comes up. So now I (like millions of other americans) will be headed to the gym this time of year. In the past I've stuck with gym workouts be it jiu jitsu or lifting because I was paying for it. I'll just carve out an appointment and get to it.


Jul 21, 2015
For the OP, if you are interested in strength training, as stated, body weight will not carry you very far. If you are so far out of shape that you can not do pushups or body squats, then yea body weight stuff is where you need to be. However, assuming you can do those things and stronger is your goal, you need weights. No need for fancy gym machines. Buy an Olympic barbell and plates. Functional strength comes from basic power/olympic lifting movements; squat, deadlift, presses, cleans. The only thing you need a rack for is squats. You can build or improvise one.

I was a gym lifter for many years. Then I got into crossfit and transitioned to a home gym. I do miss the gym. I enjoyed my time there. It has its drawbacks, dealing with other people and such. But it also has advantages. Now that I own all the weights I need, I just can't bring myself to pay for a membership.

This being a backcountry hunting site and all, I feel obligated to tell you that strength has no real application in the hunting world beyond a very basic level. Fitness, now that is a different story. If fitness is what you are after, go with something along the lines of p90x, insanity, crossfit, rucking etc.


Sep 29, 2015
Craig, Alaska
As was mentioned, Beachbody products are very good. They don't have the glamour of pumping lots of iron, but you will lose weight and get in shape if you follow them and the meal plans they provide.

If you are just getting back into working out after a long time off, I'd recommend 21 Day Fix, and the diet to get started. It's a portion control diet of the right kinds of food. Let that run it's course for 3 or 4 rounds, and then move onto p90x3 or t25 to get in better shape, and then keep cycling through the programs to stay at your ideal hunting weight. I've done them all, my wife is a ripped Beach Body coach so we hit play every morning. If you are out of shape and overweight, you'll be at your ideal hunting weight and in really good shape in 4-6 months if you do the workout and follow the eating plan. All the workouts are around 30 minutes a day, so it doesn't eat up as much time as the original p90x.

Good luck. Life is too short to be out of shape when we have all this awesome backcountry hunting we can do.


Feb 25, 2012
I've added in step ups on a kitchen chair of mine to my workouts. My chair is about knee height and I alternate one day of doing 100 and one day of doing Tabata style intervals. I'm also progressively adding weight to my pack while doing step ups. After I complete a week with 80 pounds I'll increase the reps.