The Utah delegation is like herpes.....

Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
I'm not anti Mormon but man it's getting frustrating that all the land grab push is coming out of UT.

I think this is unfair of UT; there are plenty of other stated including WY, NM, AZ, AK, ID, MT, NV, CO, OR and WA. The real culprit here is the GOP and partisan politics. If BHA is to ever be able to stop wasting money on this stupidity and be able to use all their time and effort enhancing access rather than defending it, this needs to be attacked at the source and convince the GOP as a whole to remove it from the party agenda.


Jan 23, 2015
To get phone contact info for your reps just send a text of your zip code to the following number 520-200-2223. It will text you back phone numbers for your state and federal reps and senators.

works like a charm!


Jan 21, 2015
I'm not anti Mormon but man it's getting frustrating that all the land grab push is coming out of UT.
I hear you on that one. I get so tired of it coming from my state. You better believe my representatives know how I feel about it but it seems to fall on deaf ears. I like how Randy Newberg said he hopes they overstep so far that we as hunters kick them in the balls so hard they never even consider trying to take our lands again. I was encouraged a bit by the response to the bill Jason Chaffetz tried to push through disposing of public lands. He felt the pressure from hunters on that one.

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Nov 7, 2012
I like how Randy Newberg said he hopes they overstep so far that we as hunters kick them in the balls so hard they never even consider trying to take our lands again.

He felt the pressure from hunters on that one.

I agree but feel that we need to not forget hunters are just a small part of what is needed to win his fight. Hunters may even be a minority when it comes to the groups that want our public lands to stay public. Hunters may be the most informed tough. Don't forget to help educate anyone you know that uses public lands, we need them all to stand up to this land grab by the state. Next time you talk to a camper, RV'er, ATV'er, hiker, birder, photographer, or anyone else using public lands remind them of the fight the state, or their legislator, is waging to take these lands from us.

What we really need is a pro public land group to get some people running against these career politicians. When they see there job really is on the line maybe something will change.


Sep 19, 2013
A fix back east
The LDS is a huge landowner, not surprising that they might grease the skids a bit to open up more land to purchase for pennies. Plus, I'm sure that sleazy reps like Chaffetz won't turn down sizable donations from the big ranchers and mining/resource extraction coalitions to free up more land for purchase. The top-100 private landowners nearly all added to their holdings last year and every year. It's an easy road to aristocracy with a compliant federal government.


Aug 28, 2016
What were missing is true outdoorsmen in politics. They've all been bread in the system. I'm reading "The Wilderness Warrior" right now about Teddy R. and it's not a surprise he did what he did. From birth he was in love with the outdoors. You don't get that with anyone that sets their life goals to be a politician in today's age. Maybe bc back then being a politician wasn't a career.

Using numbers to force politicians one way or another doesn't change who they actually are as a person.

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Feb 1, 2014
People are naive if they think that Chaffetz and Bishop aren't getting the tacit seal of approval from the church on these antics. The state is 80% LDS, they are catering to their base. It's easy to see in Utah which group would profit the most from land transfer. Then they can charge exorbitant prices to hunt just like they do on Deseret.


Mar 5, 2014
New Mexico
Short answer: the LDS church.

I'm a transplant from Florida. Moved out here in 2007. Love it. However, there is no separation between church and state which leads me to my (not too absurd) conspiracy theory that the church is somehow positioned to profit greatly from all this. Get the taxpayers to foot the bill for the fight and get a sweet deal on land, and associated resources, from the Utah legislature.

I've been poking around the web and haven't been able to find any major hunting associated groups organizing a fight against this atrocity. Does anyone know of any? If so, please post links. I feel that Utah is the first domino and we need to do everything we can to keep this from happening. For me, the biggest issue (aside from the lands not being federal/public) is that there has been no mention of what will be done with them; no mention of a plan or agreement. If there was a reasonable, responsible use plan put forth, I would be happy to have a discussion. Not saying I'd agree but at least it would be something. Right now we've been given nothing, aside from generating revenue which we assume (rightfully) means more fossil fuel extraction.

I don't see this as a liberal vs republican and/or hunter vs non-hunter issue. This is an issue for all of the citizens, those that use the land regularly and especially those that haven't yet had a chance to see these wonderful public areas some of us are grateful to call home. We need to put our differences aside and fight this.

Ok, sorry, rant over.

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Are you serious? It's all the Church's fault?! Haha
Mar 17, 2016
Rob Bishop is asking for $50 million in taxpayer money to fund the transfer of public lands. Not only does this seem ridiculous to need $50 million to do so, but he is essentially asking you to not only give up your public lands, but pay to have them a step closer to sale.

Please contact your representative and tell them you do not support the transfer of public lands nor Rob Bishops request for $50 million to go towards that effort.

Contact your reps here: 202-224-3121

If you want to take the extra step after contacting your representatives here is an email to the budget committee: [email protected] and their phone number is 202-226-7270, just let them know you want to leave a comment for the budget committee.

If you would like to call Rob Bishops office as well on the issue his offices number is:

Together we can make some positive change here. We need to get this transfer idea thrown out and advocate for better collaboration to help the current system be fixed, better funded, and work. Thanks to everyone staying involved, it can feel tiring or worthless at times, but it is not and will be worth it in the long run.


Aug 15, 2013
It sounded like Bishop's staffer was getting tired of the calls. Time to step it up a notch!


Nov 21, 2013
Boulder, CO
Theres never any other options in Utah. It is literally them and nobody else on the ballet. So unless you can get enough people to write the same name on a piece of paper, they get elected by default.

That's scary. Hopefully a Bundy doesn't throw their cowboy hat in the race.

The only thing going for UT politically is that booger eating canuk Ted Cruz doesn't claim to be from UT.
Mar 17, 2016
I agree with many of the comments here. But the change we will see is in applying pressure at this point. I agree, vote these people out but for today we need to do our job and do what we can. Right now that is staying involved and applying pressure.

ben h

Jun 17, 2012
Saying the LDS church doesn't have influence on Utah politics is absolutely ludicrous. Sure their members do the voting and "the Church" is very careful with their words after having their tax exempt status threatened in the 70's(?) for getting too involved in politics directly, but they get the message across.

I have quite a bit more to say about this Bishop POS and this outlandish plan to transfer federal land, but I don't have time right now.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
Saying the LDS church doesn't have influence on Utah politics is absolutely ludicrous. Sure their members do the voting and "the Church" is very careful with their words after having their tax exempt status threatened in the 70's(?) for getting too involved in politics directly, but they get the message across.

I have quite a bit more to say about this Bishop POS and this outlandish plan to transfer federal land, but I don't have time right now.
Has the LDS church told anyone you know how to vote? Of course they hold conservative values most church's do but forcing a certain candidate I've never heard it from anyone that could back it facts.

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Sep 14, 2016
Seriously who votes for these people?

People who vote for someone just because of their political party. They are too lazy or stupid to do a little research on what agenda the politician has.
These republican politicians did not just decide to be pro PLT after this latest election. Their agenda was already there.
You can fix this by voting them out of office during the next elections.