This is strange

No idea. They ad a leaking shower. Tole on floor squishy. Opened up wall and ther it is. Live 220. House other issues as well. Like 1/2" copper plumbing in attic on top of insulation. All bent to hell, how it hasn't ruptured yet idk.

This about how most projects are going this year. Fun and frustrating at same tme
Looks like homegrown handyman work. Let me know if I can help you out. Been plumbing for 25 years. Owner/Operator.
Remodel? Used to be a laundry room? The drywall has been patched on the other side of the wall, what is on that side of the wall?
Someone had an at home perm machine back in the 80's....


And that dry wall patch is where someone tried to fix the leak, opened the wall up and saw the Romex and said no way.

Put it back and said you don't want to know what's in there.
My first house in leadville had all kinds of interesting easter eggs like that. Best as I could tell it came down to what they had access to at the mine to "repurpose".

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What is zip tied on the pvc line?

I found a live 220 in a rental house i bought years ago inside the wall. On one side there was 3 14/2 twisted to it, and the other leg there was 4 14/2 twisted to it and black tapped over, just laying loose in the wall!!!
There was 2 breakers in the whole house, the 50 amp 220 was feeding almost the entire house, insane.
Not "the remodeling type" but try to fix some things on my own occasionally. For folks like me this serves as a good reminder to make sure you know where electrical is before cutting/drilling into a wall.
Wow!....Looks like some main power cables are going through the same hole as the 240V receptacle feed.