Tips for taking the wifey


Feb 2, 2017
She'll need more than a 20 degree bag for a mid Sept hunt in Wyoming. Good rain gear is a must.
A good dry camp will go a long way in comfort.

Not sure about Btaylor's comment though. Yes she should carry her own day gear but be prepared to carry a few extra necessities just in case, she doesn't have the experience in the elk mountains with what may be needed for a day hunt in case of emergency.
If you mean buying and owning her own gear, I agree completely Btaylor.

Just have a talk about hunting style and what you expect from her while in the field. We walk one behind the other and I try to time my steps to mimic the sounds a 4 legged animal would make while walking, trying to sound like one animal not 2 people.
The extra hands available to help with quartering and packing out will be very helpful.

We've been hunting together for 32 years, yes disagreements happen, but many good times have been had. We each try to get in a few days of hunting in our own style and a few days of hunting together where we compromise.


Jun 3, 2017
She'll need more than a 20 degree bag for a mid Sept hunt in Wyoming. Good rain gear is a must.
A good dry camp will go a long way in comfort.

Not sure about Btaylor's comment though. Yes she should carry her own day gear but be prepared to carry a few extra necessities just in case, she doesn't have the experience in the elk mountains with what may be needed for a day hunt in case of emergency.
If you mean buying and owning her own gear, I agree completely Btaylor.

Just have a talk about hunting style and what you expect from her while in the field. We walk one behind the other and I try to time my steps to mimic the sounds a 4 legged animal would make while walking, trying to sound like one animal not 2 people.
The extra hands available to help with quartering and packing out will be very helpful.

We've been hunting together for 32 years, yes disagreements happen, but many good times have been had. We each try to get in a few days of hunting in our own style and a few days of hunting together where we compromise.
I said snuff not stuff. ;)


Dec 4, 2018
Spring Creek, Nevada
All the above advice is sound. My spouse and are are team hunters nearly 100%. Only time we're not is during solo hunts for Pronghorn or Mule deer. I'm the wifey here, and I do appreciate help packing out anything I get, but with deer or Pronghorn, it's not toally necessary.
Binoculars - definitely
Hoochie Mama - for sure
Good backpack snacks and plenty of water - survival
If you're hunt is during the rut this could be what instills the "bug".
Given that she hikes as much as she does with a 25lb pack, I do likewise btw, she's not going to need much coddlling. Just being out in the mountains with the spouse is what makes it all good.


May 29, 2019
I love hunting with her, and she is a super hard worker and generally unafraid of anything out there, but she has had some epic melt downs in the woods. All of them are food related. Learning how to regulate calorie consumption while hunting is a learned thing. She gets better every year. But every year she thinks she is superwoman and can use the opportunity to continue her "diet" and get some extra exercise. It's always a crash and burn.
Aug 21, 2019
Holton Kansas
I got my girl a bow last year we shot together she loved it and caught the bug. Took her out for whitetails. Her first sit had Two shooters come into bow range it was cold and too still to get it done but shes hooked. taking her on a antelope hunt to Wyoming in 3 weeks, rented a house for a week going to be a blast. starting her on easy enjoyable hunts before I introduce her to the grind of an elk hunt.


Nov 28, 2017
Take a day off mid trip to go town, get a hotel, do laundry and get a hot meal.

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