Update: Father/Son - Wyoming: applying as a party.


Nov 5, 2021
***I previously added my edit here but have withdrawn it***
I had some questions about how the process worked but I think I figured it out. We're both applied for. Although...I don't see my son's conservation stamp. I purchased mine individually and prior to my tag drawing application. I was immediately given a chance to save and print my conservation license. For my son, I added it in the transaction but did not get prompted to save/print his...

...we don't have email confirmations yet either. usually, those come quite quickly in this world.

It appears that I goofed by buying my conservation stamp ahead of time. It is then non-refundable. My son's, which I included in the draw application, looks like it will only be purchased if the draw is sucessful. Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)
***End edit***

Original post: I guess if a father and son are applying to hunt antelope in Wyoming, they would need to apply as a party if they want to both get tags guaranteed? (By guaranteed, either they both DO or both do NOT get drawn a tag. Otherwise, one or the other could...)

Also, his cost would be less as a youth hunter, iiuc. Like, $341 for a full-price antelope tag for me and $125 for him...
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