What’s the best wild game meat?

Pheasant is hard to beat for me. Elk, Moose, Whitetail, bear then Mule Deer. Don't care too much for waterfowl unless in pepperoni therefore I quit hunting them years ago.
Dungeness crabs fresh off the boat are my personal (and my family’s) favorite.
If this is an option for wild game (and why not!), then it's lobster by a longshot!

Big game - I've had elk, antelope, mule deer, whitetail, moose, sheep, goat, bison.
My favorite - antelope, then elk, whitetail, then moose.
Pheasant and sharptail grouse are my favorites I never get to have (besides lobster).
If this is an option for wild game (and why not!), then it's lobster by a longshot!

Big game - I've had elk, antelope, mule deer, whitetail, moose, sheep, goat, bison.
My favorite - antelope, then elk, whitetail, then moose.
Pheasant and sharptail grouse are my favorites I never get to have (besides lobster).
I choose Dungeness every time
In my household antelope takes the cake. My 2 year old and 6 year old daughters as well as my wife all prefer it hands down. My mountain goat was a close second. Elk is always top of my list because of the work induced to get it. Just makes it taste that much better
I’d have to say moose is my favorite. Definitely rich in flavor.

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Hard choice between Moose and Elk with Caribou a close second, followed by Axis, Pronghorn then Whitetail. Depending on their diet, wild pigs can surpass Whitetail. Though I like Whitetail, it is easily my least favorite of the deer.

As far as birds go, Bob White Quail are easily my favorite. I’ve never huntEd grouse or Ptarmigan but just looking at them makes my mouth water.

Elk used to be my number one choice. That was the main reason I started hunting them every chance I got about 40 years ago. However, I would now say oryx. Here in New Mexico you can hunt them occasionally on the missile range and off, if you can draw a tag. By far the sweetest meat I've eaten. It's incredible to me how an animal like that can eat the stuff they do, and their meat tastes so good. Recommended if you ever get a chance to try it.

PS. We call them oryx, the South Africans call them gemsbok.
I’d have to go with Nilgai, by far some of the most tender and flavorful meat I’ve ever had. Besides that any common exotic within the US such as axis and blackbuck have amazing flavor.
I really like bison. I and my whole family are partial to white tail, as we've eaten many dozens. I like grilling back straps in @ 10" lengths. Heavily salted, then Slow with a lot of maple or apple wood smoke. Finish em off by dunking the whole thing in bacon grease, and putting it right on the flame. Nice crust, super tender if you don't over cook it. Lots of game I'd like to try, too many to list!