What's the coolest thing you've done with a bear hide?

Tanned the hide. Hair on. Like a rug. But more like a soft pelt from a smaller mammal. Had taxidermist put a skull form inside and mount the head. Mouth closed or open, personal preference. Can be hung on the wall, draped over a chair, or spread out in the floor. Kind of different. More flexible.

Have also done a couple of half body mounts and a couple of rugs. Prefer the tanned version at this point - takes up less room, cheaper, more display options.
I saw one that Clay Newcomb had hanging up. It was case skinned like you would a coyote or wolf the next time I kill a bear I’m gonna do it like that.
Throw it down and have sex on it.

Coincidentally that is the same advice my dad’s cousin gave my girlfriend of 2 months when the topic came up of what I was going to do with my bear rug when I got it back.

Strange advice to hear coming out of the mouth of a 70 year old PETA loving women but hey you never know what she is going to say when she’s drinking.

And for the record it went on the wall.
Coincidentally that is the same advice my dad’s cousin gave my girlfriend of 2 months when the topic came up of what I was going to do with my bear rug when I got it back.

Strange advice to hear coming out of the mouth of a 70 year old PETA loving women but hey you never know what she is going to say when she’s drinking.

And for the record it went on the wall.
You should have told her you were already going to do that.
You should have told her you were already going to do that.

I just laughed as she is a conservative girl from a church going family who turned bright red at the comment. Was not yet sure how such a statement would go over and did not want to push my luck.

The hindsight of 3.5 years together and almost a year of marriage tells me I totally could have gotten away with that comment.