Whats your packout process after the harvest?

Mar 13, 2012
Oh yeah...
you're right I put it the P's alphabetical order... instead of the legal order
See edited post above



I wasn't suggesting you change your order. I've definitely pulled out a camera before my tag on more than 1 occasion !


Jun 1, 2015
Punch tag

Punch tag
See freebird's post for the correction
[PS I even signed my tag too]

Gutless method
Hang quarters in tree [if shot in evening]
Leave sweaty Tshirt by tree to keep critters away
Back to camp
Come back in morning to retrieve meat

This was solo

I would highly suggest NOT using a frame pack like the one below
I have used a frame like that before but never with that much weight, how far was the pack out.
Jan 17, 2013
I skin from back to belly and then cut off the quarters and hang them on meatpole then bag them. Then comes the backstrap and all the neck meat and finally the tenderloin, all in the same bag. I carry lightweight meat bags on me so that I don't have to return to camp for them. Then roll the animal over and skin the other side, remove the quarters, bag and hang them. Then the backstrap, neck and tenderloin from that side. I leave the bone in all the quarters while they hang at the kill site. If I do decide to bone out I usually only bone out the shoulders and always leave the bone in the hind quarters to facilitate butchering later on. Whether or not I bone out the shoulders just depends on how far I have to pack and whether or not I have help.

I pack out one hind quarter with me and return that day if possible for more or wait until morning and come back with help. Back at camp it hangs in the shade near a creek where it will stay cool. If temperatures are too warm, the meat gets taken to a processor to hang and I'll pick it up on the way home where I cut and package it myself.

Z Barebow

May 24, 2012
Punch Tag

Take pics. (Without and with tag attached)

Find a spot to stage meat. (Cool area, shade, maybe above a stream) I am looking for a spot away from carcass (at least 100 yards)

Fill up water bottles, I am in for a workout!

Use paracord and rig up legs so I can make custs w/o getting the sh!t kicked out of me!

Begin gutless breakdown of critter. (Take pics along the way if flies and bees don't show up for funeral)

I leave the bone in as I hang meat in bags. (I will slice hinds down to bone to open bone up to cooling) Easier to grab w/bone in.

Hike out w/first load. (Backstraps, trim, gear, and maybe camp) Hang meat at truck or put in cooler. (If during the day)

At truck, I grab painters plastic(to bone out meat), pack frame, saw, (for rack) and minimal survival stuff.

When I get to meat, I drop each bag and bone out on painters plastic and bone out. Load up a boned out front and hind in each bag, hang one and pack on(Again hang meat at truck)

Last trip is front, hind and rack. (I haven't killed big bulls!)

I bring cutting boards, knives/sharpeners, wrapping paper/tape and coolers and process at my truck. Pick up some dry ice as I head home.


May 7, 2012
After photos and tagging...
I've been lucky enough to be close enough for my group to find me and have had 4 or 5 guys each time...makes it very easy.
Slit down backbone and peel hide on one side - backstrap first, then debone rear leg, then front leg, then brisket/trim/neck...everything goes directly into game bag as we've had the hands to just have one guy holding game bag for us:) I don't remove any legs or bones, all meat cut directly from carcass. Flip over and repeat. Skin out skull (have not kept cape yet for mounting). Once back at camp, drop each game bag into separate contractor grade trash bag (waterproof) and submerge into ice/coolers. We've averaged a little over 4 hours from finding elk to having on ice the last 3 years...always have everything on me to debone/bag an elk without returning to vehicle.

First elk I was ever a part of was shot at about 10:30 am and we didn't get to trucks until about 6:00pm as we were much deeper, but still had 4 guys which meant we didn't have to do another 7-8 round trip...

...Ready to do it again:)