What's your preferred tripod?

Nov 2, 2020
Hi everyone, looking to hear for you all what you've found is a good tripod that has a wider base angle at it's first leg setting.

Couple, things I've found with my current setup. 1) I wish the base were wider to allow for more leg room when sitting down, and the stability you'd gain with a wider set up. 2) the center column has too much play. This can make it difficult to keep the same position when lowering your center post to switch to your spotter.

Now, this all may suggest that buying an outdoorsmans tripod is the way to go, but before going there I'd thought I'd post this question and see what people think.
I just picked up a Sirui Traveler VC new for $200 on Amazon. Comes with the VA-5 fluid head, solid carbon fiber legs and plenty tall to stand if needed while glassing. It has three angle positions for the legs so your base can be pretty wide. Seems pretty solid and hard to go wrong with the Sirui brand.
The Sirui 024-SK seemed like the perfect balance of size, weight, durability, and price for me. Comes with the VA5 fluid head. I just picked it up so don't have any personal experience using it, however GoHunt.com and S&S archery have videos suggesting the best "bang for your buck"